Ezrilus, goddess of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms
Ezrilus the Ever-Indulgent; The divine Entity of the Grey principal of love, passion, sex, the moons, and magic. She is a manifestation of the eternal spirit of The Witch.

The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the Affray of Darkness and Light” in which the god plays a significant part.

Role: The Savior of Hope and Love; Primary foe of hate, destruction, and violence

General Motto: “Love conquers all.

They are an entity that reflects the powers of Conviction through Essence. This deity has affirmed participation in The Godspeak Accord. They are part of the pantheon of The Grey Way, but an ally to the Church of Light. Ezrilus is a central figure in the Oath of the Day Watch.

Aspects Known/Common Associations

Major Aspects: ; These are common knowledge; Other aspects/symbols/emblems may vary by specific sect/cult or institution.

Minor Aspects:

Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s):


Sacred Observances: (These are reflected in the faith’s General Liturgy.)

  • Sacred Events: [Sacrosanct festivals and milestone celebrations] >
  • Sacred Places: [Sacrosanct locations and Pilgrimage sites] >
  • Sacred Dates/Days: [Sacrosanct times of the year, recurring days of celebration or rest] >
  • Sacred Times: [Sacrosanct period of a day, week, month, season, or year in a cycle] >
  • Sacred Life: [Sacrosanct plants, animals, monsters, and entities] >
  • Sacred Forms: [Sacrosanct colors, shapes, material (minerals, fabric, etc. )] >
  • Sacred Works: [Sacrosanct documents, books, jobs/activities] >
  • Sacred Items: [Sacrosanct utensils, tools, machines, clothes, armaments] >
    • Sacred Armor/Defenses:
    • Sacred Weapon/Offenses:

Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places:

Followers of the Faith

Favored Followers:

For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.

Expectations & Obligations: Good Standing in relation to their faith’s tenets reflected in Liturgical Observations tenets. Nominally, the Tenets of the General Liturgy are followed by the Laity of Congregations and those of higher Grace and the few Institutional Ranks alike.

Belief Made Manifest – Beyond the General Litany

Manifestation and Favor

Connexion Range = Varies (enhanced through the Rite of Offering) > Conviction Limits = None; Elan Building is allowed (if used).

Favored Avatar: happy, graceful, attractive, with robes casting strange shadows. Always seems like a moon behind her head, her voice like a song

Minions and Servants

Armaments of the Faithful

Typical Elemental Divine Weapons; More powerful Magic/Mystic items are typically Singularly Bound if not Institutionally Bound.


  • Average:
  • Major:
  • Extraordinary:

Rites of the Faith

Cults, Sects, and Order

Delleth: Although there is no specific order around it, often the minor divinity of Delleth (Guide of the Seekers) and Ezrilus are sometimes seen as companions; It is referred to as Thesune’s Order – named after Thesune, the first priest of Ezrilus to bring together the two. This companionship often portrays Delleth as a protector and lover, as the more controlled side of magic – less governed by passion and power. Sometimes this translates to Delleth’s power being associated with the preservation and research side of knowledge and magic in general.

Channel Divinity

Moon Faculties: The goddess grants her dedicated followers (Piety 3) the ability to call upon the revealing light of the moon to make truth easier to discern. The light of the moon automatically reveals the inner reflection of targets when concentrated upon – animal forms of Lycanthropes, shape-shifters of all kinds, Merovin, and the corpse nature of undead. The character gain a Perception check to see sources of Disease and Poison.

Other Materials

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic