The Potestas Dundarium were the ancestral swords of the Dukes of Fallen Dundaria (Lichrya), all dedicated in service to the Order of Whelm Indomitus. The authority and power of the Duke and King of Dundaria was said to travel with these blades. It is known that a couple of these blades are in the hands of the Crystal Riders. They were said to be made from something similar to Margrevan Steel.
Each blade is different, though they all have carved upon them their oath of service to the King of Dundaria, and “Unto Death” was carven into the grip, under the wrap. Upon binding themselves to the blade, they wielder must swear to “Hold this sword unto death in defense of the realm.”
The Realm = Powers that reference “The Realm” encompass the Kingdom of Dundaria, and the ruling and crowned King, their family, and their Dukes. Wielders of the blades pledged their loyalty to ‘the lords of the realm’.
Silvers Defense: The blade of the King of Dundaria
Star Breaker:
– Currently wielded by one of the Crystal Riders.
Cutting Kiss:
Auzdren Westward: One of two twins.
Auzbrey Eastward: One of two twins.
– Dawnlight is currently wielded by one of the Crystal Riders.
Golden Gift: Blade of Vudeor; Wielded by Theodrose the Spectre Lord. It is known to be able to break walls like the legendary sword Stone Cutter, though only constructed walls, not natural stone or earth.
Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
Common Properties: The blades are heavy, requiring a greater than average strength to wield. Each one of them was made to destroy a particular type of evil.
Item Purpose:
Golden Gift: Acts as a Horn of Blasting vs. built walls. Theodrose can spread his flame half strength from his sword to the Crystal Riders by touch for 2 hours 1/day. He can also transfer it from his brother’s sword half strength, 1 hour, 1/long rest.