Thebadoux’s Wondrous Monocle

Steel Realms

Little can be said about the Thebadoux’s Wondrous Monocle that is not tied to Thebadoux himself (though little exits in regards to its maker). The item is said to offer its wearer the ability to see into the mystic pattern, and weave marvelous illusions.

Item Platform: i20™ 2019
Value: ? (Silver Crowns)

Overview: Thebadoux’s Wondrous Monocle, also called Monocle of the Master Illusionist. Thebadoux was a well known wizard of the court of Dundaria when it fell. Though a private citizen, he was often sent by the king of Dundaria on diplomatic missions. He was known to travel as an entertainer, and use his mastery of illusions. He had a penchant for the dramatic, and would tell embellished stories or great mirth and practice comedy and practical jokes at inappropriate moments – though never maliciously. Institutions and nobles everywhere looked forward to the visits of Thebadoux. When the north fell, he was in the capital of Oerdney. Despite attempts to persuade otherwise, he returned home, leaving behind his Wondrous Monocle such was his addled state. News of his death was grim, but eventually was confirmed years later.

Requirements to Wield/Use: 1 Occult; Class: Magus > Illusionist form

Minor Powers

Requirements: Attunement

  1. [1 Mana] Minor Illusion as a Bonus Action.
  2. Reveal Illusions: The wearer can make a Perception check to perceive Silent Image and Minor Illusion and an attempt to mask a mystical aura for what they really are.
  3. Disguised Appearance: The appearance of the monocle can be manipulated as if it had a magical disguise – it can become glasses, a monocle, or a finesmiths lens. It can look as expensive or plain as desired.
Major Powers

Requirements: 2 Character Points + Attunement

  1. Silent Image 2/Day
  2. [1 Mana/hour] Dark Filter: Monocle allows Devil Sight 10′
  3. Illusion Fixation: (1) Can provide Concentration for an equivalent Cantrip or 1st level Illusion power.

Greater Attunement: 4 Character Points

Requirement: Like the Potestas Dundarium it has an added capability in “The Realm” (requiring swearing loyalty to its lords), 1/Long Rest can cast Arcane Eye; duration = half Intelligence in # hours and double the normal movement rate.

Knowledge/Facts About/Chronicle of Thebadoux and his Wondrous Monocle

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Little can be said about the Wondrous Monocle that is not tied to Thebadoux himself (though little exits in regards to its maker). The item is said to offer its wearer the ability to see into the mystic pattern, and weave marvelous illusions. The item is not as well known in the Hinterlands as Bittermaw – agent of the Lich Lords through their Cold Bargain – who was once Thedadoux.

Also called Monocle of the Master Illusionist. Thebadoux was a well known wizard of the court of Dundaria when it fell. Though a private citizen, he was often sent by the king of Dundaria on diplomatic missions. He was known to travel as an entertainer, and use his mastery of illusions – and made no secret that some of his power lie within the beauteous and magical monocle he had crafted with all his power. He had a penchant for the dramatic, and would tell embellished stories or great mirth and practice comedy and practical jokes at inappropriate moments – though never maliciously. Institutions and nobles everywhere looked forward to the visits of Thebadoux. When the north fell, he was in the capital of Oerdney. Despite attempts to persuade otherwise, he returned home, leaving behind his Wondrous Monocle such was his addled state. News of his death was grim, but eventually was confirmed years later.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

His monocle was given to Prestward the Unseeen, a member of the Guild of Solars. It was said to reveal reality over minor illusions and to aid in the conjuring of such. An age afterward, it was also confirmed that Thebadoux had become a minion of the Lich Lords named Bittermaw – a ghoul of immense power. They turned his love of magic to Necromancy and was using his powers for naught but evil.

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

Thebadoux hunted down Prestward the Unseeen and took back his monocle, and it has never been seen since. Several items believed to have been it have come to light, for a monocle is a common imbued item for many an institution or wielder of mystic powers. None of these have proven to have the signature or power of the real one. Prestward’s fate was to be turned to undeath for the Lich Lord masters, but eventually killed by Bittermaw (now having his own name and banner under his master’s army) and leaving his flayed, frozen corpse for the forces of Kaald to find. His one-eyed corpse was marked with the sign of “Betrayer” – it is assumed that he turned on Bittermaw or tried to usurp his place.

Scarce Knowledge / Hard Difficulty

Later news of his death was grim, but eventually was confirmed years after. It is said by Alonzho spirit-walker that he tried to rescue compatriots, but was taken captive and tortured to death.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

Thebadoux crafted the item himself from the eye of a shape shifting creature from the outer planes.

After becoming an agent of the King of Dundaria, he wove additional powers with the King’s blessing to bind it stronger to the realm of the king, in service to them. This gave it a Greater Attunement capability.

Thebadoux’s Wondrous Monocle was once handled by Alonzho Spirit-Walker, who gifted Thebadoux a glimpse into the Halls of the Dead and a vision of his family bloodline – many of which he had no idea of. “There is a line of blood from here back into the eternity of the past – you are part of that chain, part of something greater and more important than any single link. We are all bound by blood, we are all one.”

Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty is not available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden Knowledge.

The monocle was the center point of an incomplete ritual conducted by Bittermaw. The item was bound to the spirit that made contact through the book of Rastillions Diabolique he possessed. The item was to be sacrificed at the culmination, used to fuel the bridge to bond to The Eye. As such, it has a taint upon it now. While the item is being actively employed, the user will detect as Celestine in nature. As the ritual was incomplete, this is the only side-effect.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic