After the south fell, the Tower Lands were carved out of the edges of the great abyssal. Those who proved especially loyal to the Watch were gifted with an individualized Ring of Towers Splendor. The ring’s mystical powers were known only to their creators and the recipients. They range from rough beaten works, to fancy ones with precious stones.
They were rumored to be forged with the sweat, tears and blood of the recipient. The rings were crafted by multiple sources – Ducateon, human, and elven smiths.
There were only three rings per tower, 1 for each watch of a day cycle, and they were passed on as those who wore them retired or fell. In addition to common powers,
each ring was attuned to a specific watch and had a power unique to it.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
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After the south fell, the Tower Lands were carved out of the edges of the great abyssal. Those who proved especially loyal to the Watch were gifted with an individualized Ring of Towers Splendor. The ring’s mystical powers were known only to their creators and the recipients. They range from rough beaten works, to fancy ones with precious stones.
They were rumored to be forged with the sweat, tears and blood of the recipient. The rings were crafted by multiple sources – Ducateon, human, and elven smiths.
There were only three rings per tower, 1 for each watch of a day cycle, and they were passed on as those who wore them retired or fell. In addition to common powers,
each ring was attuned to a specific watch and had a power unique to it. It was also said that a few rings were imbued with personally keyed powers for those brave souls who pledged their blood AND their family’s blood in defending the towers.
One ring in particular was found (with ‘Gavl’ marked on it) and brought to Port Towne in 9164 by “Books”, a member of The Gallants and the new owner and operator of The Companions Library in Braddon Bog (the previous operator, and one of Book’s mentors, was murdered).
The ring was bought anonymously by “southern interests” and vanished from reckoning.
Requirements: Sacrifice of 1 essence permanently
Common Effects: Sense the presence of Orrish within 100m of any tower; can see in blinding light and deepest night with only half the penalties.
If the wearer binds the ring and swears the oath (no longer part of known lore), they gain the following:
Morning Watch:
Mid Watch:
Night Watch: