Earth’s Gift (Ducateon Rings)

Steel Realms
Item Source Platform: iCore™ 2009
Value: 8000 (Silver Crowns)

These Ducateon made rings are a silver and steel mix with a hardness belying its glint. It has a curled design which weaves its way all around the outside of the band, but is decorative only. It has a single Ducateon rune on the inside band, which denotes “Earth”. These gifts were made for allies of the Ducateon in the long ages passed, when the time of confederacy was new. The holt rulers would give them as gifts to warriors of other races and cultures who assisted the defense of their lands.

Earthen Contact: As long as the wearer is in touch with earth, mud, stone, ground adjacent (wooden floor over dirt, etc.); Its benefits are not gained when free moving through the air (flight, etc.) or water (swimming, etc.).

Beard Band: If the ‘ring’ is worn as a beard band, it will also have a calming effect on the character, increasing their Sanity.

Common Requirements: During a Short Rest/8 Hours, the ring wearer grows 1″ beard each hour.

D20 Earth Gift Mechanics

The first time the a full 16″ of beard growth is completed, the wearer gains Health = to their 5 + Constitution modifier. Earthen Contact: The character negates up to 10′ of knockback; w/Beard Band: +1 Sanity.

Incarna X Earth Gift Mechanics

The first time the beard complete growth, the wearer gains Health = to their VGR and with Earthen Contact: +1 resistance to knock back; w/Beard Band: +1 Sanity.

Chronicle of Earth’s Gift

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

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Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Hundred if not a thousand or more of these rings were fashioned over time – though as the Ducateon grew more isolated, they stopped making them.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

The last of these rings was said to have been made around CY 8600. The rings were known to have the effect of accelerating hair and beard growth on the wearer. It powers will not work for any Orrish or worshipper of the Church of Darkness.

It is believed that many of the Earth’s Gift rings also have a trace of Tunnelite in them for Ducateons’ to perceive them from a distance.

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

It is rumored that there are Ur Rings – prototypes made by the Ur-Ducateon in times before recorded history.


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Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic