The coveted Crystals of Discernment are advertised as part of standard Service Practices because they protect the user from many a mystical backlash. Crystals of Discernment have a polished side that processes the reflection, absorbing many damaging backlashes rather than the user viewing it directly.
Powers/effects that manifest from these crystals are capable of discerning Marks of Impact from such things as taints and corruptions of the target’s Aura.
This Item is mutable within the setting – it may take different material and/or functional forms as a Notable Item of the Steel Realms.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
They are made from a vein of Monarch’s Crystal found in a mine near Oerdney in CY 5669.