The original Malorian item to trigger institutional powers. This is a symbol of High Office and trust for House Malor. It is a mace-like rod with a granite stone head. The rod allows them to enter the formal audience chambers in each hall of the order, and identifies them in all the guild halls of the Order of the Stone Hand as well. The Sentinel mages have an added quartz stone in the pommel – referred to as the “Eye of Revealing”.
Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
The original Malorian item to trigger institutional powers. This is a symbol of High Office and trust for House Malor. It is a mace-like rod with a granite stone head. The rod allows them to enter the formal audience chambers in each hall of the order, and identifies them in all the guild halls of the Order of the Stone Hand as well. The Sentinel mages have an added quartz stone in the pommel – referred to as the “Eye of Revealing”.
Each apprentice must find a unique material or item out of which to craft their own rod, though are tipped on the top with large crystals they have personally worked to acquire. Rods average around 1m in length – some have been used as light maces and are made for physical combat, others purely for magical powers and status display.
Common Requirements: Occult Aptitude 4+
Base dmg=15 but cannot penetrate any armor, takes 4 AM to attack; no min. CRD/MUS, If used to attack, parry’s take only 1 AM, offsets any familiarity or proficiency penalties.
The rods are taken to the Panopticon to bask in the light of the crystals there, which attunes to the ward stones of the order.