Also known as Simeon’s Book of Cabals.
This is a legendary tome, the primary source for the knowledge of summoning demons within the Steel Realms. The location of the original, if it still exists, is unknown. The last mention of it in recorded legend places it in lands of the north. Context places the mention of it two thousand years old. However, many passages and rites have been copied and passed down. No single full copy is know to exists, though many partial ones exist.
This ancient tome is bound in some sort of hide. It is dried and flaking. It is inscribed in Feyloise and the inside cover has the name ‘Scythimeon’ and ‘Cabals’ inscribed in black inked large block letters. Its pages are made of a strange rubbery substance (elven flesh) and written in red ink mixed with elven blood. The book contains the details of pacts of service and compelling words, gestures, scents and tastes for use in summoning infernal beings. After the name of each creature are the details of the cabal that the magus made.
Each summoning contains it own unique details. The use of these rituals is definitely forbidden to any member of a Church of Light. Any such character that speak the words of summoning will lose 1 level of Grace. These incantation require that fresh blood be split upon the pages or summoning focus. As the summoning proceeds, the summoner paints in blood the words to bind the entity summoned. They must have all proper accouterments present. The original book and some derivatives
are said to absorb the blood through the pages, the glyphs becoming a searing hot red and casting a blackened shadow on the summoner – a symbol of the entity summoned.
Simple: 1% per WPR
Summoned creatures will always try and take control of the summoner. Inherently, if the proper summoning is done, the demons cannot move beyond a 5m radius nor attack any that do not attack them. They are not compelled to tell allies of the summoner though. Assuming the summoner maintains control, the demon is their to use under provisional basis. If the summoner loses the battle of wills, the demon will command the summoner to march to the circle, where they will be killed or taken back to whatever hell to die in tortured agony.
Minor entities of the abyssal legions.
Middling power entities of the dark reaches.
Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.
Detailed Overview:
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
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