Lemrin was a mercenary ‘lord’ (a chieftain of a small tribe), rising in service to the Sea Kings. Lemrins Spear was said to be made for him by a shaman of the Pine Tribes or a priestess of Ezrilus from a lightning struck tree – its origins are vague.
Lemrin’s people (more closely related to Pine Tribesmen than Sea-King by blood) were eventually conquered by the Lords of Bronze and never really acknowledged in their histories. His tribe was nomadic – one of his strengths being able to field so many at once – but they built no monuments to remember them by. He vanished from documented history without it ever recording his fate or final resting place – though his rashness is mentioned ignominiously as a key reason for some Sea-King defeats in his later years. He gained the name ‘Spear-Shaker’ for the magical spear he wielded in combat.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
Lemrin, also given the name “Blackchains” (a common term applied to many who followed the same custom) because he tended to let his enemies starve in broad daylight while shackled with black chains, was a great warrior, but a poor leader. While he was successful, his people enjoyed a prominent place. He was said to have witnessed a lot of the development of the families which would eventually become the cornerstones of the Merchant Cities. He was particularly ‘close’ (as close as one would let a wild animal close) to the warlord Aventh. Aventh was a well known merchant city Prinz (one of the old Salvin ‘warlords’ retroactively titled a Prinz 5691 to justify their clans current holdings) who created a massive tomb and a chain made of 480 links weighing 1 pound each which would open a grate to let the sun shine down on his sarcophagus so his spirit could bask in the warmth of the living still. Lemrin asked of his people to bury him in the hills under the same rituals. Lemrin was gifted with a spear made from a tree felled by Elancil’s lightning and iron from the northern sea clans. He operated in Dunstrand Vale and north of it in the
open lands.
Requirements: 5 STR, 3 RCT
Common Effects: The spear lowers the VGR of the wielder by 1, but allows them to spend 5 mana for a +1 CS and +1 base damage bonus – this must be spent before attack check).
Cold to the touch; +2 cold damage after all else; cannot do aggravated damage (ice crystals on the wound). Rune covered spear tip and shaft (a single piece of ancient ash).
It can be re-created and if the same three runes are carved on the shaft EXACTLY – it will allow the spear to operate at full ability.
The wood gets cold to the touch when undead are nearby (30m).
Aura: Essence = 1; -1 essence while wielding only
Bound Effects: [REQ] -1 Essence permanetly to attune the weapon; requires Kinetic 5.
> The wielder can draw up to 20 mana to gain +1 CS and +1 base damage per attack attempt. It can strike creatures with ghostly presence, but it will automatically do 4 cold damage to the wielder and all within 5m (resist with VGR) whenever it strikes successfully in order to do so. Once per day if a wielder who is a follower of Elancil shakes the spear for 2 AM, it will gather an electrical charge and do +20 damage (metal armor offers no protection) if the wielder hits.
The place where the wood originally came from is supposedly now a place of Riverdan militia, known as Lemrins Woodyard. The wood that made the spear haft that was imbued with the quickening life force of lightning continues to grow to the current day – making new spears with the help of the elves each year.
In 9164, Plague of The Gallants carried the spear into Tarly Castle, outside of Braddon Bog in the fief of Bar-Innis (Dunstrand). When his troupe returned, he was without it. Its fate is not known to common knowledge, though the spear had to be dropped when the under-caves of the castle were flooded. The spear ended up in the underground lake.