Kraken’s Aegis (Sea-King armor)

Steel Realms
Value: ? silver crowns

The Kraken’s Aegis is an ancient breastplate from among the Sea-King Armors, most made between CY 4900 and CY 500. Few are known to have survived the time of the empire’s downfall. They were given to bannermen and bodyguards of the Prinzes and Kings themselves. It is inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Each was crafted for a specific individual, and bore their name and liege’s name along with “Glory to the Sea Lords” on the bottom front. On the inside was an etched and empowered holy symbol of Elancil -a specially derived one for the great honor of those who wore it.

Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.

Chronicle of Kraken’s Aegis

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

An ancient breastplate from among the Sea-King Armors, most made between CY 4900 and CY 500. Few are known to have survived the time of the empire’s downfall. They were given to bannermen and bodyguards of the Prinzes and Kings themselves. It is inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Each was crafted for a specific individual, and bore their name and liege’s name along with “Glory to the Sea Lords” on the bottom front. On the inside was an etched and empowered holy symbol of Elancil -a specially derived one for the great honor of those who wore it.

The items and the holy symbol was specifically used to divine the location so if they were swept into the sea, they could be found again.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

The items were made due to a special source of mother of pearl found in a sacred place. These replaced an earlier mundane version of the same.

Lesser Attunement (1 Essence)

Once attuned, the wearer gains the FLAW/Behavior: I have little respect for anyone who is not a proven warrior. They also are incapable of attacking the liege the item is bound to.

Item Purpose: To aid in the defense of and in finding the wearer, Water Operative (better speed, swimming, etc.) in water.

Resilience of the Deep: Has +3 Resilience (150sc to restore each point)

i20™ Kraken’s Aegis Details

Magical +1 breast plate (AC 15); Water Operative: +10’ swimming speed/+2 swim checks; Water Weird/Elementals must make a DC 10 Sanity save each round to attack the wearer.

iCore iCore™ Kraken’s Aegis Details

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

Dunstrand Rising Living World

Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline.

Two of these surfaced and were sold to Gwinnish merchants in 12/9168 by a halfling merchant named “Lucky”. One was recognizable as crafted for the warrior K’ranth, a bodyguard of one of the sea-kings in CY 4992. They were sold for 14,000sc and 7,000sc. Lucky took 20% (remaining 16,600sc), even though the deal was 15% for no questions asked of anyone. The money was given to Josie Welles in Torrelson’s Ford as an “anonymous gift” to be given to The Gallants (who tithed for half – 8,300sc total).


Do not read beyond this point unless a character has the capability to gain such knowledge [through association, organization, or relation] if they do not possess it themselves or the reader intends to participate in scenarios using this material as a PLAYER! GM Narration will provide relevant information by check or story.

Obscure/Hidden Knowledge is not available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic