Upper Keep: This is typically a single story keep and sometimes a tower. The top is a series of fortified positions and open to the sun. Soaked canvases were often erected to counter fire arrows. Most had a stable, and a few of these contained a shrine to the Wyld Faith. All of them had a shrine to the old path of Osten-Paullus thought more often the Lightbringers in the last thousand years they were used.
Under Keep: This was mostly a single level of store rooms, hold out positions, and used for medical facilities. Other than air vents, typically there was only a single (with defensive gateway) entrance to the Under Keep.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
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Over thousands of years, many were sacked, rebuilt, and sacked again – providing a sacrifice to delay the enemy and gain necessary time to organize a greater defense. Their ruins are all over the realms. Some were abandoned as the darkness grew quiet in recent times. A few are used as hold fasts by local settlements, a few captured and used by bandits and mercenaries, and a few simply taken and used as a benefit for a land claim in risky areas bordering known incursion sites.
The Heartlands Picket Keeps don’t follow a standard footprint, but are all small and relatively remote (at least at one point). All were made from stone and lumber, with large, rough cut stones forming the base to make it harder to crack and break in fire. None of the typical ones of the heartlands were made for winter weather in particular – the hinterlands have their own style.
Reflected Illumination: One unique hallmark is the secure oil braziers that could light the entire inner courtyard nearly instantly if the walls were breached at night. The backs of the lips at the brazier well tops were lined with polished bronze to reflect light. Most ruins have had this valuable material scavenged.
Most were known to have some sort of a short, narrow, cramped escape tunnel for emergencies. All of them were typically sponsored by a local lord or lady as part of tithe to a higher lord.
Cornerstones: As part of their creation, most were laid with a deep cornerstone with artifacts from the sponsored builder. This would contain minor charms, artifacts, and trinkets – nothing terribly unique, but maybe something of religious power for the Lightbringers or Wyld Faith or the olden Osten-Paullus.