Military Service in the Steel Realms

Steel Realms
Military Service in the realms follows the standards of general military service and is part of the Soldier’s Culture of the realms. There may be a lot of points in the campaign where characters have to take the time off to research, study, train, or ingratiate themselves politically. These long periods either leave the group short handed, force the introduction of a temporary character, or some contrivance to keep everyone happy. The Tour of Duty provides an alternative. The realms are ideal for such a scenario – constant battles on the frontiers provide an ideal place for service. It can provide an interesting background for characters as well, giving them a reason to act more experienced and to include more player knowledge in their decisions – a tough thing to regulate as a GM when trying to assess good role playing and the fairness/quality of plans players may come up with. Of course, there is a danger. It’s not much of a gain compared to the danger, but the realms constitute a fairly dangerous place where many a would-be adventurer’s career has come to an end in a remote place on ground that’s had blood spilled on it for a thousand years. All core/standard Military Service parameters apply – tests, wounds, etc.

Requirements: Significant time to acquire/achieve outside of Character Inception.; Taking any sort of tour of service advances the characters [starting] age by the minimum time for service the character operated in. If a character quits before their commitment ends, they will likely face sanction and/or even imprisonment if caught. All core/standard Military Service parameters apply. All those serving in the high King’s army will receive Crown Tags.

Military Service Proficiency/Familiarity and Equipment

A Soldiers Kit

A mess kit (for eating), shaving kit, hunting knife, dagger, padded armor, spear, 5 pairs of undergarments/socks, 3 tunics, 3 high breeches, 1 pair heavy boots, bedroll (tent, heavy cloak, blanket, waterproof tarp cover), flint & tinder, spade, and a Medical Field Kit

Military Service Mechanics

i20™ Details

i20 [specific] Requirements:

iCore iCore™ Details

iCore [specific] Requirements:

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic