Osten-Paullus (vanished sect of the Fallen East)

Steel Realms

The Way of Osten-Paullus is NOT a formal Institution of Faith. It is commonly referred to as a Cult or Sect in modern times, a relic isolated to the Faith of the Riverdans. However, it was once the dominate synthesis of the gods and forces of nature that was prevalent in the eastern lands before they fell and were consumed by darkness. Elements of it are still practiced by diehard traditionalists in the Cultural Experience of the Riverdans. Nominally, the Tenets of the General Liturgy were followed by the Laity of Congregations and those of higher Grace and Institutional Ranks alike. It seems as if the faith never endorsed The Godspeak Accord, though was homogeneous enough to have been considered a Unified Pantheon. Though the measures of Grace were looked to as an informal hierarchy, it as never fully developed into a recognizable institution beyond individual locales. The last three holy places after the retreat from the fallen East were the Three Indars (Indarsh, Indaria, Indarni) – three sister-cities of old Riverdans and they were abandoned after the Nanford River changed course. All of the divine entities had their place in the order of things, but the primary faith components were as follows:

  • A deep seated belief in the fundamentals of the great primeval duality expressed by many esoteric traditions of Helca.
  • A tradition of service and honor between followers, not one of obligation and tithe to an authority or institution.

Principal Aspect(s) Known For

Followers of the Faith

For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.

Avatar Manifestation

Favored Avatar:

Paullus: (The Father) Manifests as the world tree; cult of Ikribu/Darupet.

Osten: (The Mother) Manifests as the roots of the cosmic tree; tree cult of Aerna/Gaia.

Rasturi: (Offspring) Manifests as the rooting out of disease and blight. Tied to Rastur and Whelm.

Hotaru: (Offspring; Termital/hermaphrodite) Manifests as new shutes; [All Else]

Delleth: – No Material; pure knowledge

Kauketneh: A formless hunger, all-consuming against which stood all other manifestations.


3 sided Pyramid = symbol

There are some obscure texts that link the Bestial Urges of Rastillion’s Diabolique (Malificent Minorus) to the cult.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic