His banner reads (in Feyloise): “Will Beyond Death” and has the outline of a man, with the shadow having a red heart.
Real Name: Berok Yetoish, of the Yetoish family – son of Umbar and Ignatz, Umbar who was brother to King Uulieen D’Menco – last true ‘King in the North’ to took to battle against nephew who had betrayed him and all the living of the land.
Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline.
Death of Zoras: CY 9168 > When Zoras The Despoiler died, half the ghouls soldiers of the Crystal Riders of Thedrosse were “loosed” from their bonds of The Cold Bargain. They killed many, but Theodrose himself and his riders tracked and killed every last one and their progeny with other orders of knights and the Chain Brothers of the north. Elsewhere, about 10% of the armies of the Lich Lords were lost when these fetters were cut.