Sangire (vampire spawn)

Approximately human height/weight/features,
@RP Impact: Aloof, guarded, lonely, paranoid

Origins: A Sangire (sang-gyer) is a creature that is the result of a pregnant human woman given the embrace of undeath while a child is in her womb. Alternately, a human vampire elder gives permanently of his own Essence while in sex with one of the Blood Fettered Thralls. This Sangire are only possible as a tragic side effect of the Tear Gift of Ezrilus; the mother dies in childbirth in every instance – their own life blood going to support the birth of the child. If the mother does not die, the child cannot live. Their powers are similar to those of vampires but without all the usual weaknesses.

Telltale: While they seem more or less human, they generally have pale skin (especially when they have not ‘fed’ recently). At birth they seem stillborn (like Corporeal Undead, they do not breathe), but do have a very faint heartbeat. All possess sharpened teeth, they cannot control the bearing of their fangs yet. They eat the same way as humans do but have problems being out in the sun – covered or not. They are not as powerful as vampires but are instead granted the gift of not needing to feed so deadly on others. They have no special feature or propensity towards beauty or shape, though when healthy, they fall on the more lithe and slender side. They are possessed of a desire to feed (though more easily controlled than their undead parent), making them a danger to all those around them. Their urges sometimes overwhelm them, giving them away, and making their lives typically short. They should not be confused with the Blood Fetters and a blood slave made intentionally by a vampire. Their blood is foul tasting to other undead.

Society: Most find their way into the service of a vampire master as a thrall, working in the daylight as deep agents for their Lich Lord masters. Those that somehow (perhaps no more than a dozen ancient ones) resist the urge to follow in the path of power of the Thrall live a solitary lifestyle, feared, shunned, and hunted when their nature is revealed. Most remain aloof and stubborn, set in their ways to keep them alive. They never drop their guard, for it means their life. Though they are possessed of a unique ability to track and hunt their progenitors, too often it gives their nature away. Those incredibly rare few who make it into society follow a standard path of their human side, gaining a Background, etc.


Unwelcome: They are unwelcome everywhere their nature is known.

Accepted They are accepted only among the Lich Lord and their undead servants.

Welcomed: Because they are still bound to their progenitors through The Cold Embrace, even where their nature might make them interesting or useful, they are cannot be controlled and are therefore unwelcome.

The Hunger and Feeding

All Sangire feels the same hunger as the undead. This is only satisfied by feeding upon the living, slaking their predatory drive. Only the living of high sentience can satisfy the hunger – much like their vampire sires. The urge to feed often reveals their fangs (which normally retract) and can cause a frenzy if they lose control. Some few develop a means of feeding that keep them hidden, and/or a level of discipline that binds them in restraint and hunger. They must feed occasionally, or their looks become sallow and unhealthy.

i20™ Sangire Details

Based on the d20 dhampir found in the ©Ravenloft source materials;

Hunger/Feeding: The hunger is only satisfied with blood. They must feed at least once per Connace lunar cycle or the next opportunity they have, they must make a DC 20 Sanity check or extend their fangs and inflict the vampire’s bite on a sentient living creature. After, they will continue to drain their target each round until they succeed on a DC 15 Sanity check or the target is dead.

Ancestry: Regardless of origins (they are all human, though gain no racial benefits of that), the Sangire will have been raised by their vampire progenitor. They will have been taught how to survive in the “sun-walkers” society. While they do “pass for human” for anyone observing them, they detect as both Human and Undead for any mystic powers such as Detect Evil and Protection from Good/Evil. This also means that they can often pass unseen through undead and animations as they do not possess the same Aura of life.

  • Skill: Deception
  • Skill: Survival; They may also use this skill (DC 10) to shift their sight into the void to sense undead with 30m (including type); while they are concentrating their eyes become white orbs and their fangs are bared.

Legacy of Djerduth: [NPC Option] One of the ancients, brought into thralldom in the days when the Lich Lords were taking the north. They did not age, due to the tiny sliver of tie of Djerduth AND their undead masters. These were a type of “nobility”, though they mostly oversaw centuries of ongoing rituals (ceremonial participants – not the actual ritual practitioner) to continue channeling the power to the Lich Lords and their Cold Offering to new undead. Characters choosing to be a Cleric of Djerduth have a maximum possible level of 3, access to Grave and Death domains.
> Djerduth’s Chosen: Cleric maximum level = +1 greater than normal clerics; Blood, Grave or Death domains.

iCore iCore™ Sangire Details

Attribute 1: None | Attribute 2: None

iCore [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence

iCore Text

Dunstrand Rising Living World

Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline.

CY 9168 – Due to the final death of Zoras the Despoiler (the lost Lich Lord), some of these have become freed from their bonds. Though all were thralls, some of their vampire sires were freed on Zoras’s death. These ancient vampires and their progeny were freed and with their hunger finally unchecked most went into frenzy and were hunted and killed in the month or so after. If their sire was killed, the through The Cold Embrace was broken with them. These half vampire spawn then went their own way. Most also died in the feeding frenzy their master’s indulged in, but a few were able to keep it in check. With the broken Cold Embrace, the memories of these creatures are broken and disjointed. Many succumbed to madness as well.

Legacy of Djerduth: A few of these creatures that were full thralls were ancient and were once priests of Djerduth. These all speak ancient Dundarian and are literate in addition to any other languages learned over time. A few have the secrets of the Death God buried in their memories, known as Death’s Vulnerability; This is a power that can set a spell to use the damage type a living target is vulnerable to. Normally NPCs, a few may be PCs given the unique circumstances. Djerduth’s Chosen must be chosen at the time of Character Inception.