The dreaded Moorcat is considered a “natural” Beast of the steel Realms that makes its home in Dwindor Swamp, Calibans Slurry, and Scar Flow. It ranges all over the the territories of Richfield and Bar-Innis within the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand. Sometimes it is found in the hills that separate Tarmysia from the rest of Dunstranstrand, the Pranin Moorswood, and reports of sightings in Loamwold are rare, but do happen. It is a fearsome beast, a black panther-like creature with mutations said to be caused by either the Folk of Bronze and/or the Sea Kings. A single cat is said to be capable of killing a dozen capable men. They are said to be able to see as if it were day, with only a sliver of moonlight.
Moonlight Hunters: Moonlight recharges the moorcats they heal better in it, they are sacred to Ezrilus and The druids of Pranin Moorswood.
Moorcat immune to electrical or lightning damage, magic or normal.
Disadv saves to sonic thunder = sucepible
Hits phantasmal presence +
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
The dreaded Moorcat is a “natural” Beast of the steel Realms that makes its home in Dwindor Swamp, Calibans Slurry, and Scar Flow. It ranges all over the the territories of Richfield and Bar-Innis within the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand. Sometimes it is found in the hills that separate Tarmysia from the rest of Dunstranstrand, the Pranin Moorswood, and reports of sightings in Loamwold are rare, but do happen. It is a fearsome beast, a black panther-like creature with mutations said to be caused by either the Folk of Bronze and/or the Sea Kings. A single cat is said to be capable of killing a dozen capable men. Its legs are slightly longer than a leopard should be.
These mysterious cats are shy and mostly stay way outside of humanoid inhabited territory. There is very little that they are known not to prey on. There is very little understanding about their habits and preferences. They seem solitary but are known to congregate in groups during the breeding season which is the fall.
The sentience that drives it is violent but it lives in harmony with the resources the land provides. The last time an attempt was made to rid an area of the scourge caused a howling that echoes for miles. Apparently, they can communicate with each other. They attacked and killed a settlement of hundreds in masse after several were tracked and killed.
There is a strange “truce” between the Moorcats and the ruffian folk of Point Saril – they keep all travelers and adventure seekers out of Jance’s Canyon nearby, which the cats use as a breeding ground.
There does not seem to be a single version of them – they are often seen with different appendages and capabilities. They are not hunted as long as the predation they inflict stays within a certain limit. Their exact capabilities remain mysterious. They are feared by everything in the area, even the druids of Pranin Moorswood. The druids of Pranin Moorswood have expressed displeasure when the hunting of the cats exceeds some threshold only they know – trade along the The Black Shore and through the Moorland Cut is assaulted with foul weather, insects and animal harassment.
It can hold its breath for 15 minutes, and is known to be able to swim for long distances.
The moorcats are a combination of bronze folk and Sea King magics mingled together. It’s intelligence is that of most humanoids, though it’s bloodlust often overrides it.
Its eyes cause fear if you lock with them. Some of them have a line of fins that can stand up on their back, these fins draw in elemental powers when directed at them.
It has awareness that extends beyond the physical world through the third eye that some seem to possess.
It’s tail ends in a spiked that is hidden in its fur. It almost never uses the tail as a weapon as it would be hunted greater for the poison within it. The sting of the poison has no effect on them, although it does increase the arousal in females. They use the poison to hunt alligators in Dwindor Swamp.