Pin Feathers (campaign tale of Dunstrand Rising)

Steel Realms

Pin Feathers” is one of the campaign tales of the Dunstrand Rising campaign. Character made for this must abide by the provisions/changes in the campaign reference materials.

Dunstrand Rising Living World CHRONICLE > Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).


BLUE GUARDIAN: The Frost Giants of the Blue Wall are dying and become part of the wall when they die.


Physical Date = 8-2022 / Game Date = CY August 9168; 4 of 6 characters died from the Whisperer of Secrets- The Hangman Tree of Caliban’s Slurry. Gaming Contract updated just prior and after. HUFF IS TAKEN TO THE WHITE SISTERS FOR REHAB.

CY 8-30-9168 Danoir and Ulrich return to Bella: You present yourself to Bella. She eyes you carefully, and asks about your adventure. She listens intently, her lips pursed. As you finish, and silence hangs in the air. She bursts out laughing for a moment, then regains her composure. “Its all really too much (chuckling). Everything has led to this and it’s almost a let down. Of course I’ll honor my side, though it will take a moment.” She holds out her hand, for you to place the flower in it. She holds a hand up, indicating you should wait, and with the other pops the lily into her mouth, chewing and swallowing. She walks back into her walled off sleeping palette, where her chest of tricks sits. She whispers like you’ve seen her do before and then pulls the key off her necklace and opens it. She reaches in and grabs a scroll tube, and returns to you, wiping the strange green liquid from the lily running down her chin. “What, you expected some alchemic miracle? No, this is it, a scroll with a ritual prayer of Ezrilus that can raise the dead. I never needed the flower – outside the temple it serves no purpose. And before you ask, it wont bring your friends back from the tree – a bargain was struck!”

CY 9-3-9168 Official demise of the Bannermen group ‘The Tide Watchers’: The Baron and House Malor announce that the bannermen group is officially disbanded after only a few months. The Gallantine order still owns the villa, and one of their members named ‘Feather’ is hereby appointed the steward. They Baron is somehow forced to honor the promise to allow design and building of it as a fortified keep to go forward – including a formal announcement of the betrothal of Ulrich to the daughter of the Marshal family that owns the Marshal Ferry Crossing. All materials allotted to bannermen, all benefits are to be given up and returned to Feather. The servants at the villa loot it and leave, those that did not go with the baggage train to Dogwood Flats.

CY 9-8-9168 The Duke of Dunstrand Suspends War with Gwinn: With the demise of The Tidewatchers bannermen, support for the war has dried up after decades. A tentative vote was held and the nobles are tired of endlessly pouring money into the coffers for a war thats been a stalemate for 2 decades. Many rumors and speculation abound on what will happen next… but the failure and vote is sending shockwaves across the duchy. All the suffering experienced in Crestwold was for nothing, and the locals are dejected, tired, and completely without any empathy for The Gallants or their reputation. Imperial Gwinn has not declared victory yet, but at least no one is worried any more about raids and invasion for now. And the weather is absent the cold sea rain – fields will be fertile once again. Heralds, bards, law-minders, and World Watchers are starting to circulate the news.

  • Lucky Red Scarf the halfling merchant/ally never returns. It is likely the old smuggler Frahd will re-take control of illicit activities… including the human trafficking Lucky accused him of.
  • Mercenaries will start to pack up and leave.
  • There will be clashes between Tarmysian Refugees (who resent the Duke now) and townsfolk.
  • The garrison size will decrease, less money in the local economy.
  • No word of Umbak, but they don’t give up so easy against such a hated foe!
  • The druids of Pranin Moorswood will likely not forgive or forget Gwinn, perhaps even seeing this as a betrayal. Strange sightings of giant ants have begun to be rumored, slowing the logging near the moorswood.
  • There is no word of Lady Mary, Warden of Dogwood Flats and leader of The Gallants.


Date: Common Year 9-21-9168 About 2 weeks after the loss of the Tide Watchers, fall comes to Crestwold… Ulrich has dreams of treasure

Feather – The Patron/Sponsor

Description: female (medium size; alien cast – not attractive in any traditional sense), 6’4″, #148/67kg, black (long, in 2 ponytails) hair with 3 golden streaks that look like feathers, large green eyes that sparkle and eyelids tattooed bright green, left handed, pale skinned, sharp features including a hawkish nose, small mouth with tight lips and slightly long vampire-like teeth, golden hued [short] toe and fingernails. A long neck (with a tattoo of some sort of a ‘broken’ rune on the back), and sharp angular jawline and cheekbones. Skinny to the point of seeing bones (though not emaciated); seemingly in her late 20’s… on her left forearm is a [fresh] tattoo of the Gallantine symbol of the Shield and Phoenix. On her left ring finger is large silver ring with rubies (it is some decoration that is of a flower or plant like nothing seen locally).

Feather is the nickname (which she prefers to go by) of Aini Aelishan, daughter of Geraldine Aelishan, who once led The Gallants and is related to the family of the Earl of Bar-Innis, servant of the Duke of Dunstrand. Her mother had a reputation as a powerful and dark wizardess with both ruthlessness and craftiness. Many dark rumors surround her. Feather was the product of rape, and was raised in secret by the halflings of Loamwold. She is comfortable around any and all, her eyes dart constantly as if she were paranoid. She laughs seemingly without cause, and many think her a bit mad. She looks haunted, as if she has seen many terrible things – things which someone her age could not have seen. She has her mother’s habit of cynical commentary. She carries the blade at her hip with ease, a small hunting bow, and is obviously versed in the mystic arts. Her clothes are bright and embroidered with many animal and plant natural motifs. She seems to always carry a book with her, writing in one half and reading from the other… She takes control of the annals and the Satchel of Mog they are in, carrying it with her.

The Gallants have no play here – the last set of Bannermen’s death’s saw to that. We are starting from scratch… well, I am. I’ve never done this before and neither have you. I imagine you see yourselves as respectable, well-intentioned, and decent folks. That may be true, but there’s dark times ahead and there will be questionable decisions and outcomes based on what we do. I do not expect you to question orders. Two of you are still Gallants and I am your commanding officer. For the rest of you, your sacred speakers have and my masters have made pacts and agreements and you are mine to command in the same way. I have the annals and right now they stay in my possession – I have a lot of catching up to do. Later, I may trust you with them. When there is no mission, you are welcome to engage in whatever activity you want – as long as it wont damage our reputation. We are starting over, and have no good will to ride on from past group’s exploits. Whatever you loot from the jobs and your own exploits is yours to keep minus a few operating costs for the villa. I expect rewards to be divided fairly – I expect each of you to be able to operate independently with resources to back them up. I suspect you must each carry a good amount… 200 silvers? to accomplish what needs doing. You will have no access to the old Gallantine services… if you wish to keep it safe, hide it or find a good money-lender to hold it. Maybe Danoir can get one of his relatives to cut you guys a deal. Or go down to 2 Coins Laundry and see Abel – they do more than launder sheets there. Don’t worry about my own costs. Know that gathering information and continuing to operate in ANY way is costing The Gallants a shit ton. As I trust you and you need to know, I’ll reveal more over time. Just remember I have my own foolishness that needs to be constantly dealt with in order to keep things moving. I’m sure there is one burning question in your minds though… ‘Why’? Well, the powers that be have only hinted at this, but I will tell you what I can. There’s a plan. That plan involved winning the war, keeping Dunstrand whole, and fostering peace and prosperity. Those plans seem dashed and everything is set to come undone. Apparently there is a contingency, and we represent a portion of that. We have a job, that job is to stabilize this area. I cannot always tell you why a specific goal or target is important, just that it is. All our future’s are at stake, and I aim to ensure its a good one. There’s a lot of evil out there that needs to be excised, a lot of machinations that are like a poison to be drawn from a wound… we are the surgeons for what ails this land. There will be plenty who wish to stop us. They will regret it.


The Starting Mission

There is no more published central mission. Feather is working with the Baron’s Herald to solve some local problems after the effects of The Soul Scourge. There is so many unknown and strange events happening, the local peace is broken. Trade is virtually non existent, communication and travel meager, there is civil unrest, crime, and even an outbreak of typhus. There are Orrish appearing in the countryside – not rumors any more…

THE LEAGUE OF THE WHITE LILY: Feather is an agent of and proponent of the principles of the league. Find a champion that promotes unity (Dunstrand) yet allows expressions of individualism; The Riverdan way. Make Bar-Innis a Riverdan.

Home and Supplies

CRESTWOLD INVNTORY (google doc); see Selling Loot for value of items in the Steel Realms.

COSTS: The Shared Cultural Bond requires a tithe/donation of 10% back to their community/families. Including the ‘operating costs’ for the villa, assume the 10% from the two non cultural Saelish characters cover this and just take 10% off all silver value of loot.

  1. Villa Costs: [monthly] Mostly covered
  2. Ship Costs: [monthly] 50 moorage + 100 base operating costs; can go 50% but will move slower
  3. Gear maintenance: [monthly] 10sc per person min.
  4. Living: [daily] While at the villa or staying on the boat = 0, otherwise by meal/service.

Villa Brovier (renamed from ‘Neraway’; near the town of Autumnade) – “The Bucket Shed”

The small 4 [large] bedroom (three guest and a master) room villa has a detached stable (houses 8 beasts) and servants quarters (for 6). A robust garden and orchard set between it and edge of the lake a kilometer distant. It is slightly dilapidated – the previous inhabitants have departed and left it in a mess.

Plans: The villa will be augmented to become a keep. This has been approved by the Baron of Crestwold and The Gallantine order – Feather is appointed its steward. The is dependent on Ulrich marrying into the Marshal family that controls the Marshal Ferry Crossing.

Barracks for Belvins Brace

1 bedroom has become the barracks of Belvins Brace (part of the new Pin Feather Baggage Train – a mercenary company paid for by Feather (The Gallants/Mary). The elder gentlemen that assisted The Blackwells years ago were retired to Dogwood Flats and the Gallantine Academy, and the band reformed using equipment the Blackwells accumulated and from volunteers from The Saelish. There are 6 spearmen – 4 women and 2 men; The folk of The Saelish are known for their skill with the spear.

State of Play

@Start: Records of the Pin Feathers

NEW CHARACTERS: The Saelish, is the original home of the new characters. Alanna is still playing Ulrich (who is marrying into a family descended from Bronzemen), Rocky is still playing Danoir (who has cultural ties to [mostly] Elon and Bronzemen). ALL NEW CHARACTERS MUST START WITH The Saelish Cultural Experience. ALL characters (even existing ones) will gain the benefits of a Basic Cultural Bond (tithe 10%; +50% Starting income; +1 Character Weave (2 total to start); Can perform Help action 10’/3m away for each other and as a Bonus Action with a Character Weave).

  1. (Ben) Asil Omari – aasimar paladin
  2. (Rocky) Danoir – human rogue
  3. (Alanna) Ulrich – human fighter
  4. (Earl) – Atreus – human cleric of Thoth/knowledge
  5. (Arabus) Asaui (ah-sigh) – half elf warlock
  6. (Corey) Krespar Dubrov – human ranger

Current world Situation

The Lightbringers ring their bells and burn their candles… they warn of dire times coming – as they always do. But now, Orrish are seen in the distance at sundown. Some livestock has been taken, and hunters report areas with tracks and slaughtered game. Lucky paid to have the ship repaired from the sabotage fire it suffered, but there is no good will any more – the boat will start to be charged a monthly fee to be moored in port of 50 silvers.

  • The bodies from The Soul Scourge incident have mostly been dealt with.
  • There is an outbreak of typhus and malaria; more bodies begin to accumulate faster than can be disposed of.
  • The Lightbringers are returning to favor in Crestwold, holding the sickness of the Baron’s family at bay.
  • The cost of goods has increased in the local area by 10%.

Cast of Characters

Location: Crestwold is a barony in the Earldom of Bar-Innis, part of the Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms.

Ducal Nobility: Duke Aemond Forthright, his wife Miranda – of Dunstrand

Baronial Rulership: Baron Richard Cerstwhile III of House Cerstwhile – Baron of Crestwold
1st Baroness: Pauline [dead CY 9160] First Born son died 4 years ago from a drunken accident
Eldest Daughter Esmilelda is 15 and suffering from some long term illness
2nd Son: Grayson
Second Wife: Virginia [married CY 9161] Half Brother: Robard (said to be sickly)
Half Sister: Maryland (said to be more of a mother to Richard’s children than his wife)

Landsmen council member Latenkya (representative to the Saelisnean characters)

Torrelsons Ford Figures

Baron’s Herald: (sira) Verel Blackdown

The Torrelson Riders: Harold Ormont, Sira Deputy Sheriff Ormont. He goes by “Swifty” to his friends – he is quick!

House Malor: Tal Beckam – She runs the shop of Diamond Curios and Antiques at Torrelsons Ford.
i20 > Wizard 5th (Diviner)

Her shop is not really disguised well and most people know who she works for: HOUSE MALOR. She is from the Riverdans (accent is thick), is now about 53, was once freshly beautiful, and now her and her dog keep watch over an aging shop. Her dog is her familiar. She has a rookery on the store/home top (she lives above her shop). She is happy to see strangers for many reasons, and can be used as the sign on her shop says – “A sounding board for things spooky and magical.”

Morben Brothers Casters and Haulers: Josie Welles – representative of Morbin Brothers trading interest. They have lost half their contracts in Crestwold to Tolman Guides – a trading cartel out of county Faer, though have their origins in Cerran’s Grant and are thought to be agents of the Twin River council of the northern counties of Dunstrand seeking independence.

Green Church:
Church of Light:
Druids of Pranin Moorswood:
Elon Matriarch

One Claw/his replacement + Kynar

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic