Baron’s herald Verel Blackdown… comes to the boat while the party is in town looking to hire a crew.
NOTICE of HOUSE MALOR: There is something strange happening in House Malor. There have been disagreements in their ranks. Not sure exactly what it is about, but it is worth mentioning – it has got the Baron concerned… and things rarely sink in to his awareness these days with all the other concerns. AS he leaves, the PCs do NOT notice that he is followed.
Sea Slug = boat name
Hire a crew for a boat full is 15 two shifts/ 8 one.
Hiring for a share of treasure?
Derek Grench – navigator for hire, grew up in Tarmysia, last 6 years living here.
Rep: Do anything for money; worked for Frahd until Lucky came… now he’s for hire.
Bitterwheel Tavern…
1500 now, 1500 after to travel to the peak and back; navigation only – no fighting, no selling souls; if PC dead – 1 week wait. 1.5x typical wage.
Josie notice… she comes to see the party at the villa or on the boat in ton.
NOTICE – OUTSIDERS: Coran Markle (married to mayor’s sister) is meeting with outsiders, someone associated with the Twin River powers she thinks. She will keep an eye on it. Shes worried… very open and obvious, not trying to hide it. With Red Troupe gone, maybe making a power play? Their names are Frederick – at least thats what her spy overheard. The other one is unknown… and quiet. Quiet one wears the badge of Twin River Council.
Familiar sent out to meet in fort ___ on the delta.
One member is Frahd’s plant. He will set fire to the boat at night, hole the long boat and take the dinghy.
Fire is in two places, almost reaching the sail, and the steering helmsmans station.
4 checks each, one at a time. Total up simple x1, major x2
All PCs on other side of river. Rocky 120′ movement
STR DC 10: To haul buckets.
> 2 check 1
REQs #PCs or major damage
DEX DC 5: To dump for each success.
> 2
REQs #PCs or major damage
CON DC 14: To endure after each or disadv. on next.
> 0
3 fails at end is measure of Exhaustion
+ Coordinator can make extra int check to count as extra major on each: pb if they have skill, feature or background.
Outcome: Minor Damage (12 success)
500-1000sc damage
Outcome: Major Damage (less)
2000-2500sc damage
After: one crew member missing. Derek Grench. Aloof. Dinghy missing. His stuff gone too.
Josie notice… she comes to see the party at the villa.
NOTICE – OUTSIDERS: Coran Markle (married to mayor’s sister) is meeting with outsiders, someone associated with the Twin River powers she thinks. She will keep an eye on it.
Messing with the politics and crime f the local Elon