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West Leaf (western branch of Ghauvelah Elven Weald)

Posted on August 30, 2022 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

A typical Elven Weald. The “home” of the Ghauvelah clan is in this western reach. They prefer to associate and have dealings with the folk of The Saelish over those of county Faer, and so the official (its hard to know for certain) declaration of it is in the western side of the Gold Leaf Forest.

Characters with their origins here have the Wyld Elf of the Weald Experience available to them.

Those entities Flora Bound to the Wealds have access to the powers described under the Common Amesha Element of the Wealds of the elven faith of the Steel Realms.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Saivelaugh (Elven Weald)

Posted on October 18, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Saivelaugh is a typical Elven Weald. The elves of the Saivelaugh Weald live in the Grebell Forest and vie for resources in the Grebell Forest through the Saivelaugh Accord with the folk of Pellan, East Torbin and West Torbin. The Ubaidth faction (which deals with outsiders) of the elves is lead by Belaya (Bellaigha). The Green Sleeves of Saivelaugh is matriarch Hamai. In recent times, their dealings with humans through the accord has soured. They prefer to go through the quiet community at Serdof – which has stuck to their veneration of Gaia and nature.

Characters with their origins here have the Wyld Elf of the Weald Experience available to them.

Those entities Flora Bound to the Wealds have access to the powers described under the Common Amesha Element of the Wealds of the elven faith of the Steel Realms.

The elves harvest the White Willow materials from the Grebell Forest to make a fine padded armor from them, weaving bark into them. They also spin it to make a warm-as-wool cape that smells like a summer breeze and keeps the wearer dry. These are made by Faerie Wind Weavers.

Protector Spirit of the Weald: This elven Weald venerates the being they call Pthyia as the faerie manifestation of the Wyld that looks over them – Gaia by her common name.

The elves here also work with the pro-Riverdan militia to make the Spears of the Answering Reach. They extract its magic to help fuel the magics of the Weald for the shared logging resources of the humans nearby, and send back the whittled branch made straight as a spear haft. It is imbued with a great deal of resilience that can even be repaired by the elves.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Chauvelah (Elven Weald)

Posted on October 18, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Chauvelah Weald typical Elven Weald. Like some of their brethren, the community is known to make Willow Armor. These are made by Faerie Wind Weavers of the community.

Characters with their origins here have the Wyld Elf of the Weald Experience available to them.

Those entities Flora Bound to the Wealds have access to the powers described under the Common Amesha Element of the Wealds of the elven faith of the Steel Realms.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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