Posted on April 10, 2016 in Character-Experience Steel-Realms
Cultural Experience of the Darkland Ranger is UNIQUE to the rangers that patrol and prowl the Dark Lands of the Steel Realms – protecting the frontiers and rooting out the Orrish when they raid into the lands of light. Normally this is limited to the Half-Elves of the Duchy of N’lokrha.
Requirements: The character is required to take the background of Darkland Scout, and are a Ranger of the Steel Realms.
Opportunities: Those Rangers that pledge to Ezrilus as their Sworn & Pledged bond have a chance ( 2 on 2d6) of being Cold Moon Blooded.
The half-elven biology, their inherent anger and passions that get the best of them are forged into a weapon. They have seen the worst of Orrish behavior close up, and they know that there are always those who would trade with darkness for profit. Young druids often train with Darkland Rangers – teaching them their craft at the fringes of the civilized lands and following in their footsteps into the Dark Lands. Half-Elves in particular though seem immune to the flavor of horrible depression, unchecked aggression, and evil that seems to affect those who spend long periods of time under the Curtain of Night and the fringes of Orrish society. As such, they are the perfect scouts to probe deeply into the Dark Lands and monitor the events of the Dark Lands and serve as watchers to warn the west of large attacks and happenings that are important. They also serve as a reason for those of other races to continue to safeguard the lands where their kind make their home – outcast and outsiders to others. They are more prevalent in the south, closer to their people and a place of refuge and safety. They often interact closely with the High King’s Rangers to monitor and track personages or places of interest to them.
Druids Favor: The Druids of the mountains, hills, desert and forests that border the Dark Lands are familiar with the Darkland Rangers and support them in every way possible. A Darkland Ranger may seek out these borderland Druids for companionship and mentorship, and their favor may expose them to additional benefits. If they gain this favor, the Druids will scar them with Druidsign so all Druids will recognize their importance and favor, and aid them accordingly. This sign will bleed itself painfully for a day and be unrecognizable should a Darkland Ranger ever lose their status.
The character has, from an early age, exposed themselves to the horrors of the wounds the Orrish can inflict using Wormblat. Part of their training is seeking out and stealing it, re-creating it, and healing it. They repeatedly cut themselves and scratch themselves all over, suffering infection and pain in order to gain an immunity to it. It leaves their body covered in small scars – unmistakably identifying them and their mission. Those with the Druid’s Favor may also seek to inure themselves against the lethal effects of Heartseeker Flint.
The Darkland Ranger has been exposed to the worst of behavior, cannibalism (perhaps even had to participate), rivers of blood and foul evil beyond comprehension to most. They manage to block it out somehow, through their curse of the half breed heritage. The Darkland Ranger is inured to the treachery, bias, and machinations of the politics and cultures of the lands of light. They are also protected by the Druids of the realms with rituals and rites and the Sanity checks in the Dark Lands under the Curtain of Night are normal instead of at Disadvantage.
They are selected at an early age for the same traits that their training and service ingrain in them.
– I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong.
The Darkland Ranger never walks into a room without figuring out exists, never sleeps except with their bed against the door in an Inn and a way out a window or even through a wall. The way out of dungeons is never compromised unless the reward is tremendous.
Duty – I’m loyal to my friends and return the help I am afforded.
Everything done is for the love and protection of family, friends, hearth and home. To suspect a friend is worse than to be betrayed by one. A Darkland Ranger never leaves an area without repaying a debt.
– My honor is my life.
Honoring the role of the ranger, and its message of first line defense is critical. Those who cannot see it are no friends of mine. Those who understand will be mutually protective in my path outside of Darkland Ranger and my life beyond it. I must strive to honor that memory and values that hold evil at bay.
– I have no respect for those who cannot survive on their own as I did in the Dark Lands if they had to.
While defense of the homelands and innocents there is important, one cannot depend on a friend who is not, if needed, also self sufficient. That is an unequal bond.
The Darkland Ranger experience is a cultural experience only at 1st level AND a Ranger subclass when that is available to be taken. When making the Time in Service checks for the Darkland Scout, the character can only fail on a 1.
Druids Favor: DC 10 Charisma check; if successful, the character may leverage feature elements that use this. It is made once at the time of Character Inception, or it can be acquired through gaming experience.
Hardened Against the Dark Lands: -1hp permanently. If the character has Druid’s Favor, they may sacrifice an extra 1hp permanently and 1 Essence to gain the ability to hold the burrowing of the Heartseeker Flint weapons at bay through their teachings.
Leather Armor, Medium Shield (light – wicker and hide).
Grants proficiency in and/or adds the indicated level(s) to…
Basic Medicine +1, Speak Orrrisha +1, Lore: {Species} Orrish +1
Grants proficiency in and/or adds the indicated level(s) to…
Speak Orrrisha +1, Lore: {Species} Orrish +1
Grants proficiency in and/or adds the indicated level(s) to…
Speak Orrrisha +1, Lore: {Species} Orrish +1
Posted on April 9, 2016 in Character-Experience Steel-Realms
Grollen combine their veneration of Ezrilus and Rastur in a special way as a Great Protector – their animal companion is always a large cat or hyena and requires a Character Trial. Characters want to to develop this class path give up their background selection for a custom background that must be taken, and then a trial that must happen when they take upon the mantle. See Ranger Steel Realms Archetype Characters.