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Stone Horns Druidhold

Posted on February 21, 2025 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Stone Horns Druidhold is located in the peaks of Pelmon Ridge (also called “The River’s Spine”). It is a full Druidhold, having both briarwood and beastwood.

Briarwood of Gaia

This is a typical Briarwood.

Beastwood of Darupet

This is a typical Beastwoods.

Shrine to Phelaedea

The Shrine to the lady Phelaedea – Elemental Consort of Air is located high up, and is a sacred place of refuge and empowerment, though it has no permanent buildings or congregation.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

Places of Torrelson’s Ford

Posted on September 18, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Places of Torrelson’s Ford mark places of interest within the lands claimed by the city of Torrelson’s Ford. This includes Yarans Round, which is seen as a suburb. There are many neighborhoods and places of business in the capital of the barony.

  • High Town District: The upper ridge, where the keep sites. Home to upscale shops and those of wealth.
  • Low Town District: the flat land sprawling main area of the city. It obviously once held triple the amount of people, but many places are abandoned and in ruins.
  • Harbor District: The harbor, docks, warehouses, and naval station.

Briarwood Sacred Grove of Gaia

In the Low Town District is the grove that holds the stone hall and thatch roofed church of Gaia. It is surrounded by a ring of birch trees and pines that is the Briarwood.

Businesses of Note

The Bitterwheel Tavern: Offers a penny-hang for those too drunk to stagger home. Its on the edge of the Harbor District and caters top a lower end clientele. It has several booths for groups and conducting business. It is a dive, but a busy one and loud. It main competitor is the Dogsbody Tavern, but the clientele in Dogsbody is… higher class. The furniture and crockery are made for breaking.
MOTTO > “The grog is strong, the food is weak, and the company always satisfies!”
Proprietor > Alan Sheppard; The second story is locked – the Sheppard family that owns the tavern lives above it.

The Bronze Ringlets: A fashion and cosmetic shop in the High Town district. Clothes (mostly accessories), wigs, perfumes, and makeup.
Proprietor > Run by Siress Eloise d’Laurent. She has adopted a more upscale Umbakian name, but is not related by blood or culture really.

Diamond Curios and Antiques: This is an interesting old shop, and collects and sell both Dunstrandian and Umbakian antiques from local areas and sells them mostly to outsiders. Its rumored to be a meeting point for academics, and said to be connected to House Malor. They are the only place in Crestwold that sells Lily Healing items legally. It is also an outlet for Quizmans Magusterum. There is a rookery on the store/home top for messages sent via the Trail Doves of Dunstrand. She is happy to see strangers for many reasons, and can be used as the sign on her shop says – “A sounding board for things spooky and magical.”
Proprietor > Tal Beckam

The Dogsbody Tavern: Offers a penny-hang for those too drunk to stagger home. Its on the edgeof the Harbor District and caters top a lower end clientele. It has several booths for groups and conducting business.
Proprietor > Alan Sheppard; The second story is locked – the Sheppard family that owns the tavern lives above it.

Donk’s Travels: large Inn with a boisterous meal crowd and sometimes decent music. It has 4 private rooms, 2 large rooms and a large common room with places saddles and gear; All are locking. On any given night there may be a passing minstrel, but there is no house band for music or stories. The front room has a large hearth, sits about 30, and has a bar and kitchen. There is a stable and pen next to it that can hold about 8 horses.
Proprietor > Phil. Just Phil. The bouncer is his best friend, Simon. His family and a few hired hands work the inn.

Deepwater Delta Reference Works: Best place around for maps, tide records, history, archeology, and almanac type information. Its pretty run down. He has connections for travel, trade, and connections for outfitting.
Proprietor > Carey and Holly Stipes and their family.

The Lumber Yard: Brothel in the Low Town District.
Proprietor > ‘Lady’ Evelynn; a combination of ruthless in her business dealings and ‘protecting her girls’. But still exploitative.

Red Wing Stables: A massive stables in the Low Town District for over 30 horses it goes mostly empty. It can service 3-4 merchant caravans all at once – carts, wagons, etc.
Proprietor > Run by Sire Michael of the Wellington family; the business is a family business with his 2 sons and daughter, and their significant others and grandchildren.

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Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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