Posted on December 6, 2021 in Attribute
The Attribute of Vigor is a primary measure of a Character’s capability to {placeholder}. It is related to the concepts of constitution, endurance, and vitality.
Many Features can affect it; It can also be impacted by mystic effects, and/or Items and Technology.
The minimum, average, and maximum values a normal range and adjusted values may vary, depending on a character’s race/species, biology and physiology in addition to technology or mystical enhancements. Use the standard resolution outcome process when making a test or check using this.
The Constitution Attribute (‘ability’) uses the SRD scale of 1-30; 20 is maximum starting for PC races unless noted. A permanent score reduced below 1 indicates character death.
Posted on December 6, 2021 in Attribute
The Attribute of Strength is a primary measure of a Character’s capability to {placeholder}. It is related to the concepts of muscle, might, and brawn.
Many Features can affect it; It can also be impacted by mystic effects, and/or Items and Technology.
The minimum, average, and maximum values a normal range and adjusted values may vary, depending on a character’s race/species, biology and physiology in addition to technology or mystical enhancements. Use the standard resolution outcome process when making a test or check using this.
The Strength Attribute (‘ability’) uses the SRD scale of 1-30; 20 is maximum starting for PC races unless noted. A permanent score reduced below 1 indicates character death.
Posted on December 6, 2021 in Attribute
The Attribute of Sanity is a primary measure of a Character’s capability to identify the self in relation to the observable, sensed world. It is related to the concepts of identity, self, and vision.
Many Features can affect it; It can also be impacted by mystic effects, and/or Items and Technology.
The minimum, average, and maximum values a normal range and adjusted values may vary, depending on a character’s race/species, biology and physiology in addition to technology or mystical enhancements. Use the standard resolution outcome process when making a test or check using this.
The Sanity Attribute (‘ability’) uses the SRD scale of 1-30; 20 is maximum starting for PC races unless noted. A permanent score reduced below 1 indicates character death. Perception and Sanity are “baseline” values for i20;trade; – They both start at 11 and are adjusted by Features acquired by virtue of race or experience; It can be swapped out with another starting attribute value at the time of Character Inception (it is not modified directly using the Point Buy method or generated by rolls).
Posted on December 6, 2021 in Attribute
The Attribute of Reason is a primary measure of a Character’s capability to {placeholder}. It is related to the concepts of intelligence, scholarship, and logic.
Threshold: At these levels, the attribute has a serious impact on related functions.Many Features can affect it; It can also be impacted by mystic effects, and/or Items and Technology.
The minimum, average, and maximum values a normal range and adjusted values may vary, depending on a character’s race/species, biology and physiology in addition to technology or mystical enhancements. Use the standard resolution outcome process when making a test or check using this.
The Intelligence Attribute (‘ability’) uses the SRD scale of 1-30; 20 is maximum starting for PC races unless noted. A permanent score reduced below 1 indicates character death.
Posted on December 6, 2021 in Attribute
The Attribute of Reactions is a primary measure of a Character’s capability to {placeholder}. It is related to the concepts of speed and dexterity.
Many Features can affect it; It can also be impacted by mystic effects, and/or Items and Technology.
The minimum, average, and maximum values a normal range and adjusted values may vary, depending on a character’s race/species, biology and physiology in addition to technology or mystical enhancements. Use the standard resolution outcome process when making a test or check using this.
The Dexterity Attribute (‘ability’) uses the SRD scale of 1-30; 20 is maximum starting for PC races unless noted. A permanent score reduced below 1 indicates character death.