The Hoarwind is a magical effect which always comes from the north. It rarely blows anywhere outside the northern reaches of Kaald. There it is rare for an original blast to be felt – these indicate that the northern lands, perhaps the Blue Wall itself is under attack or threat of some sort. Mostly the wind is a nearly faded remnant of the powerful frost encrusting breeze, carrying strange mournful sound. Some say it is the death scream of the last of the Frost Giants. In addition to the creatures which prowl the lands fearing it, even the undead are not immune from its grip of icy death with the worst of its blasts.
Impacted by Attribute: None | Lore(s): None
i20 [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence
i20 Text
Base 25 cold damage, -5 per RS degree of a VGR check (+1 on VGR check if Robust Constitution) – for each 5 damage it causes, the target is penalized -1 on PER (ringing in their ears) and Athletic skill checks for 24 hours.
> This effects undead and animations as well; animations taking more than 50% of their Health shatter into pieces.
This wind freezes anything in its path, turning it instantly brittle, crystalizing it, and shattering it when the vibrations from the horn resonate it for more than a few rounds. It can only be produced using the ancient battle horns of the frost giants, and only their physiology can actually produce the resonance needed for the magic. It can stop entire armies in their tracks if enough are assembled – it has not been seen by the living in any recent time of memory – few by the Lich Lords attempt now to trek beyond The Blue Wall and suffer its effects. So powerful is it, that the gusts continue to pass far away from the Blue Wall and travel throughout the north. The Blue Wall itself repels these, as does the magics of many places who believe in, and infuse Wyldsign to ward against it. The gusts diminish over time, but are a common encounters in the northlands.
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
The Hoarwind is a magical effect which always comes from the north. It rarely blows anywhere outside the northern reaches of Kaald. There it is rare for an original blast to be felt – these indicate that the northern lands, perhaps the Blue Wall itself is under attack or threat of some sort. Mostly the wind is a nearly faded remnant of the powerful frost encrusting breeze, carrying strange mournful sound.
The Hoar Wind is a magical effect let loose from the giants which guard Blue Wall in the far north. So powerful is it, that the gusts continue to pass far away from the Blue Wall and travel throughout the north. The Blue Wall itself repels these, as does the magics of many places who believe in, and infuse Wyldsign to ward against it. The gusts diminish over time, but often catch travelers unaware.
The call from the Blue Wall is always too a call to summon their kin to a safe place in the north. Only giants and Ducateon would be able to understand the ancient sounds.
Broken Bellow: The magics of the Blue Wall produce some of the Hoar Winds worst manifestation – the Broken Bellow as the Frost Giants know it. As the glacier grows, and pieces break, explosions of ice as hard as diamond release an elemental burst which shoots across the land – trapping all in its path in hoarfrost until it is spent.
A matching resonance will allow any giant to face the Hoarwind, walk into it and be transported to the Blue Wall. It is recorded that Hrotheena of the Ice gave her “life” and became the wall itself – a living entity.