Group Concordance

[ Feature Impact ] > Positive
Cost: 1 Essence for Attunement & flat CP cost = MeasureReq/Limit: Group Membership

Group Concordance members (players) of a group can bind themselves together to share and even accumulate benefits as a group. Even when the player/character is absent from play, they can contribute to the success of the group. The set of characters all having the same Shared Bond forms a community which gives support, direction, and purpose to their immediate actions. In addition to the Code of Conduct (ex: Group Loyalty Common Code) behind the Shared Bond, there is a set of guidelines for dealing with group operations. Additionally, there is an opportunity for the advantages of Group Leadership to be applied when the group is together, and can enhance Team Tactics. The members of the group decide how benefits will be used.

Measures of Group Concord

  1. Group Operation: [-1 CP] The range at which one group can physically assist or interoperate with is extended.
  2. Group Assist: [-2 CP] Better interoperation. When absent, the Player Character’s presence is still felt – their memory is inspiring.
  3. Group Remit: [-3 CP] A reservoir of Character Weaves that can be used by any character in the group. Whenever EVERYONE in a group with this measure gains a weave, one is also gained which can be used by anyone in the group. The group can accumulate no more than the total group membership.

i20™ Group Concordance Details

Group Operation: The Help Action range is extended by 5′. Also, 1/Short Rest for 1 encounter, each round 2 members can swap Initiative.

Group Assist: Can either it to communicate (the character hears the other’s voice in their head) even if the group members are not in the same vicinity; Use your free 1 sentence if in combat, Sending spell if outside. Or, if the player is absent the session itself, the voice can be used to Bolster (turn a Simple into a Major outcome) one result per session of play. They can move through each other’s space without penalty operating as a team.

iCore iCore™ Group Concordance Details

Need ideas for role-playing this? See the Roleplaying your Character's Capabilities or ask the Game Master how it is best expressed in your Setting.No matter what restrictions exist in the setting you use, many GMs will allow anything with the right context or character backstory.