Loose groups and formal Institutions organize Characters and Entities with like minded ideas, values, goals, and perspectives. Their presence is manifested in their Institutional Reach, through which they provide safety, structure, and formal teachings and training to advance the notions they form around. They can range from informal without any centralized leadership, to terrifyingly bureaucratic filled with deadly politics.
Mystical Institutional Bonds: Institutional ties to Thematic adjustments will likely be tied to institutional Good Standing, a sigil (Empowered Marks), and/or Focal Point Object bound to the organization/group.
Membership: Members can participate to whatever degree they are willing to commit to, and meet specific requirements for. Most organizations are tiered; They provide multiple levels of membership reflecting the overall trustworthiness and value to the organization. Meeting all expectations keeps the Character in Good Standing with the institution, which may be a requirement to take advantage of some or all of the benefits gained from it.
Liberal Institutional Payment Policy: Monthly times and payments can be either prepaid or through delayed or sliding payment if the member is in Good Standing but not able to check in for a prolonged period of time. Otherwise, dues and fees and strictly on a set interval or services may be withheld; Technological and Mystic means are used to track such things in either batch intervals or immediately.
These will provide restrictions/expectations and benefits during both character creation and continued development. Each also typically grants a starting character a package of gear under the assumption they have been working with them for at least a year’s cycle (or equivalent norm) and have paid any dues.
The names of the levels and recording/referencing of membership will vary by the type and nature of the Institution/Organization (and its Presence), and the technology or mystical means available to it. Membership may be by Subsidy and/or service, and tied to Prestige. Lower tiers of membership largely go unheard of, they participate for some basic guarantees of knowledge and services without having to maintain the infrastructure for such things themselves.
Individual organizations will vary and may have their own versions of the typical expectations. All expectations reflect the specific values and concepts around which the institution is organized, and which the member is to some extent, expected to adopt and revere. Some level of formal Tenets will reflect these operative elements.
Allegiance: It is expected that the members will obey the authorities of the organization. Some even require an Empowered Oath, Pact, or Vow or an imposed Bond of Authority that can limit or inhibit a member. It is also expected for most that members shares knowledge of related or important events, places, and people. This ensures increased safety and even power for the organization.
Culture: Observances and expectations of how the member presents both within and outside the organization. Colors, dress, symbols, etc. Many settings may have a “public culture” to maintain credibility and authority to the public, and an extended set of observances they must follow as part of membership.
Typical Member Motivations: The behaviors of the character will generally reflect these.
Typical Member Fears/Aversions: The behaviors of the character will generally reflect these.
Fees: Some sort of tiered set of Subsidy/Tithe and/or fees that reflect benefits the members receive. This is usually in hard currency/value.
Privacy: When using organizational resources, all activity is typically known (and even recorded) by it. Every time a benefit is tapped, the organization knows more of the members’ capability. Some level of monitoring is expected, but this varies widely. Members report on their whereabouts and activities (usually without giving away secrets of the PC’s) and information they have gained in order to better inform their fellow members.
Service: Most will have some level of expected service that they are expected to provide on a set basis. This includes things such as mundane (delivery, escort, research, etc.) and mystical (research, experimentation, searching, etc.). The hazard of such tasks will reflect their tier of membership. Some offer a means of equivalency – currency, etc. as a means of bypassing this as it takes time some members do not possess. Higher levels of membership are obligated to perform in ceremonies, rituals, and events related to the organization. The highest levels are expected to be part of the administration of the organization in some manner or representation in the community.
An Institutional Background is for starting character chosen @Character Inception that serves as a Character Background. The character came to the institution in their formative years and was raised within its confines with the thought that they would be bonded (Lesser Attunement) to it and serve it when they came of age. It typically implies a minimum amount of years (as a % of adolescent and/or adult years by race/species) in service and more than a simple/trivial (at least Minor) level of membership.