EVIL is seen as one of the fundamental associations/states for all things of the Multiverse.
Powers which dominate others, spread fear and terror, maximize the negative, reduce the capability of others…
Formal creeds serve to challenge players and delineate circumstances which may warrant extra rewards (such as Character Weaves) for their game-play. Converse to rewards, to not act upon the precepts of a sworn credo is an act of defined Transgression and may require Atonement. Powerful entities or powers can inflict Marks of Impact – a Taint upon the Aura of the target – that reflect the fundamental Creeds.
This creed can also be embodied non-corporeally as a Umbragen of Get Incarna news via our Facebook site!, in the Glooming Bond, or in a Murkenshade.
This reflects an aspect of the negative creeds. Generally, this make it impossible to follow any precepts of the positive ones: Benevolent, Good, or Virtuous.
The types of Vows those of the creed are likely to make: