Empowered Occult Places

This is just one form of Occult Empowerment.
Empowered Places are places that were formed using one of the energy pools (Mana Pool in this case) and/or a powerful [su_permalink id="6811"]Occult[/su_permalink] Principal or Agent. Places that leverage Occult Engagement are referred to by practitioners as Awakened. Empowered occult places, occult institutions (having their own Tenets), and occult individuals often share a Binding using Sigilry. Associated items most often use a Bond of Attunement.

Leveraging: Tapping into the power of these Empowered places imbued with Occult energy requires a measure of Occult Aptitude and/or Mana Pool.

Prestige in relation to places.


Incarna Core

Common Occult Empowered Places