Proclamation of Transgression

A Proclamation of Transgression is when either personal or institutional entities that command divine authority for the Follower feel they has gone against the credo or tenets of the faith they are part of has Transgressed. The Divine Principal itself may make such a proclamation as well; The ‘proclamation’ need not be public or even require the target to observe it. Once the proclamation is in effect, the target will lose their Good Standing and sense it immediately. All effects of a major Proclamation of Censure will be in effect. It may immediately cause anxiety (Trepidation) effects in a target for a period of time.

Withdrawal of Divine Favor: The Principal will make this status manifest, worse than a simple Proclamation of Censure. Persistent signs, omens, and significations (mystical or mundane) will accompany the Follower who transgresses. Actions performed under Transgression will not trigger any effects that rely on their community standing. Seals and stamps, sigils and signatures are invalid.

Manifestation of Divine Favor: The Rite of Atonement will always restore divine favor.

i20™ Transgression Details

iCore iCore™ Transgression Details

Impacted by Attribute 1: None | Attribute 2: None | Lore(s): None

iCore [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence

iCore Text