Spirits – A Life Unlived

Based on the power of Animism, Spirits are an elementary Order of Being that take many forms and levels of sentience, but have a Spiritual Presence and cannot directly physically interact in any way. They cannot develop, change or evolve their thoughts or add new memories beyond the manifestation they are in – once they de-manifest, all new memories are lost and it begins in the same state once again. Spirits are a snapshot in time of an actual entity and it has access only to “real memories” the source entity may have experienced, not the Free Memories. Few understand their nature, and seek to possess the living to experience the life they know they can never have again. Some Greater spirits (spirits of Greater dead entities) have access to Free Memories from the Aether – so great was their power when they were alive. The most commonly encountered spirit is the spirit whose presence is tied to an act of remarkable agony involving violence and/or depravity which resulted in the shattering of the psyche and death of the subject. Most often there was no justice or resolution for the victim and so the spirit persists. The form is blurry sometimes and rarely ever manifests in any recognizable presentation. More often the spirit will make sounds than present itself visually. The latter will only occur if nearby hosts incite it enough to shift its presence into viewable ranges. These entities often require, or at least desire, Eternal Repose.

Spirits are a non-corporeal manifestation of will. These are usually based on a residual imprint (left over from a once real being) or formed based on an archetypal idea. Spirits exist everywhere and at all moments, though most are too weak to be perceived as anything more than a concept of a static psychic impression. True spirits are those which actively manifest themselves, more than a mere passive concept. Spirits universally have three measurable facets, manifestation (which measures their strength of presence), will (which measures their drive and capacity for powers – greater will allows the spirit to operate with more freedom of choice), and range (the distance over which they may travel). Lastly is what anchors them to their locale; this is their ‘imprint’ – the part of The Pattern that they range in, the parameters of their existence – what they experience over and over. Their entire existence is anchored by this imprint – they are doomed to some extant re-enact, experience or try and resolve their role and finally be laid to rest. None of these aspects of a spirit will change its existence – they are completely static and unchanging from the time they arise to the moment they are laid to rest.

Imprint Range defines the area in which a spirit can manifest itself. It will never willingly move beyond it, de-manifesting if it is pushed beyond the limits, to manifest again later. Most have a physical range they are bound to that is usually related to the circumstances which gave rise to them in the first place.

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Spirits are part of the Aethereal [Presence] Spectrum:


The vast majority are so weak that few are even aware of them. Any interaction will always be in relation to their anchor. The greater of the spirits will actively seek to be laid to rest, while lesser ones merely doomed to repeat their imprint over and over in some way.
The levels of interaction with spirits fall within only a few guidelines. All living beings are considered ‘hosts’ by spirits – potential targets for their goal of reliving their imprint through possession. The possession by a spirit is the ultimate way of fulfilling or experiencing the drive of their imprint. A spirit may be bypassed if some appropriate good will is shown to the spirit, which then leaves the host alone.

Manifesting/Calling a spirit: “arise”/”give rise”

Banishing a spirit: The spirit can rise again to repeat and relive its presence’s mission.

  • Dissolution or temporary banishment.
  • Consignment: The banisher essentially binds the spirit to themselves and then wipes the memories from their existence. In banishing, they briefly experience the birth, life, death, and anguish of being an apparition forever trapped.

De-manifesting a spirit: “lay to rest” – Remove the spirit permanently. To affect a release, the character must know the conditions under which the spirit is released of their anchor/imprint.


If a power is a skill, it cannot be used unless its level is greater than 0. the Presence Level of a spirit is added to all skills levles to determine ALU of use.

Advanced Powers

Advanced powers require the use of Focus.

Common Advanced Powers

Spirits, being amorphous and fluid, have the Performance feature. This includes Disguise (to take the outline or appearance of a known entity; once taken the visage does not change) and Vocal Mimicry. They also can resonate with those around them in a form of Hypnotism.

Uncommon Advanced Powers

  • Animate Dead: They can animate the remains of anything related to imprinted circumstances

Spirit Combat

a form of psychic combat
= possession (based on essence)
Ease reduces 1 level of State
Rest reduces 2 levels of State