Maldoolin (of Loamwold)

Steel Realms
Maldoolin is a large are along the coast of Clearcut Channel that separates Umbak and Dunstrand. It is a rocky, craggy coastline that drops from a high plateau named “Badger’s Back” – it is flat, long and half as wide. It ends in the well known feature of Madoolin’s Blade – a sharp feature jutting out into Coldstream Channel that leads to the sea.

The Famous Hoolip Berry

The plateau is covered in the plants growing the red Hoolip Berry. It is named for the halfling, Hoolip, who first died from consuming too many of them they were so good. They are sweet, and sour, and filled with nutrients and amplify the effect of alcohol. The halflings have cultivated them, making them stronger using their Skraeling magic and well-guarded secrets of farming they inherited from their progenitors. They use them in making one flavor of the famous gin the halflings of Loamwold are known for.

The Red Run: Each fall, when the storms off the coast come, the remaining berries are flung by the wind and washed away. The streams that fall to the beaches and inlets on the coast run red with Hollip Berry juice, staining the waters red. The currents along the coast flow east generally, taking the Red Run to the aptly named Hoolip Coast. It is thought that the abundance of the Hoolip Coast area owes a lot to this.

Chronicle of Maldoolin

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

It is believed that whatever calamity befell Greafears Maw also was responsible for flattening the Badgers Back plateau of Maldoolin.

Scarce Knowledge / Hard Difficulty

True Origins of the Hoolip Berry: The Hoolip Berry grows from Primaeth blood spilt upon the grounds in a battle of misunderstanding between Celestines of Helca and Mizras, before the Godspeak Accord. The halflings know this, but it is not considered news or a big deal to them, and do not share it. It is said that the Druids of Pranin Moorswood also know this, and


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Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic