Occult Codex/Folio (recorded spell book/scroll)

An Occult Codex or Folio is a typical spell/formulae book and a form of Occult Reference; It details occult tabulated and analyzed data and requires Literacy in the language it is recorded in. A folio or codex enhances an already existing power or knowledge. It assumes basic understanding which can be built upon (such as the equivalent of Proficiency or a studied Primer) – without this, any manifestation of the mystical formulaes contained is not possible. it is the most common method of passing on occult knowledge in the mystic Tradition of Tutelage. Codex/Folios are not meant to have their formulae manifested/presented by reading them; They are recorded as a means of affixing them in the occult reservoir and not empowered to trigger an effect.

Intimate Nature: ALL OCCULT CODEX/FOLIOS ARE HAND INSCRIBED. The mystical nature of the material requires all materials involved (implements, bindings, pages, ink, etc.) – in all forms – to be hand crafted. Attempts to “print” or “script” these items always produce errors and confusion in The Pattern, as well as the record becoming corrupt or degrading rapidly.

Securing the Materials: Most of these sort of tomes are known to be ciphered (using Cryptography) to reduce the lure of thieves and competitors. The “key” to the cipher is typically secured elsewhere for emergencies. Additionally, rather than write out full text for certain concepts and expressions, Elderune is used – another means of securing the information from the eyes of the untrained and casual reader.

Scope: Inscribed within the volume is a set of occult “Spell“/ritual/ceremony/etc. formulae, using the recorded form of the language the inscriber chose. By default, most recorded works found are of the Reference Folio variety.

  1. Research Codex: This is typically a loosely bound and heavily annotated record of discovery (failures, adjustments, successes, misc. notes, etc.) for the inscribed material. It contains such things as all information from attempts at Customization of a Spell Presentation/Manifestation and the like. Typical number of pages for any given occult formulae varies by the individual and their capability when it was done.

    Typical Organization: Organized into volumes of about 100 pages; Material= 1-10 +2 pages per formulae level (double if Customized); Weight = Roughly 4 lb/1.82 kg per volume.

  2. Reference Folio: This is a streamlined, tightly bound and exact record for the inscribed materials in their final state.

    Typical Organization: Organized into volumes of about 100 pages; Material= 1 page per formulae level (+1 overall if Customized); Weight = Roughly 4 lb/1.82 kg per volume.

    Individually Bound: Many single formulae volumes exist in institutions and through tutelage with a single formulae recorded. This makes it easier and safer to share. Such volumes include a leading page indicating its source, the formulae, and are only about 1 lb./.5 kg.


SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE: Reference works and basic exposure alone may only provide the foundation for gaining a [mechanics based] advantage. To reflect the practice and experience to gain that benefit consistently, typically requires a cost in Character Points.

i20™ Occult Codex/Folio Details

d20 [specific] Requirements: As with any mystic reservoir, a class-based understanding is assumed and materials may need to be re-inscribed. TRANSLATING requires a DC (5 + Spell Level) Intelligence (Investigation) check for another related class with the same written tradition to be able to use, assuming they can use the spells. Example: A Wizard finds a Codex that was written by an Arcane Trickster. Lore: Occult Phenomenology also aids in this.

NOTATION EXAMPLE = Spell Book: Wizard (ciphered in Gladnorian 3 with Elderune)

iCore iCore™ Occult Codex/Folio Details

Attribute 1: None | Attribute 2: None

iCore [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence

iCore Text