Dryads of the Pranin Moorswood

Steel Realms

There are several forest Dryads here, brought forth by the sacred veneration of the Spirit of the Wyld (nature) and the power of Gaia reflecting that. The normally shy and reluctant creatures will be confrontational here (reflecting the Anger of Pranin), unless travelers are under the protection of the druids of Pranin Moorswood. They are close allies of the Druids of the Wyld. The Dryads of the Pranin Moorswood are forbidden by the druids from manifesting in The Edgewoods of Pranin. While it is understandable that the normally pacifistic dryads may be militant, and will likely reform if killed, the druids of Pranin will be more merciful and even thankful if those attacked can run from or subdue them without willing. They have been known to draw upon elements of the Vexation of Nature.

Encountering the Pranin Dryads:

You bedded down uneasy, feeling like the air around you was heavy and unnatural though you tried several times to find a spot that did not manifest this feeling. Knowing danger is everywhere, you do not rest lightly. After an hour on watch, you notice something that could not have just happened. The trees and brush around you have turned black! Staring out from the branches and leaves are scowls of hate and disapproval upon the trees themselves. A hissing, venomous woman’s voice “You have brought corruption! You have turned once good barked friends against me, you have cast the shadow of blight upon that which is whole… and now you have driven me mad, for I feel their pain! Know now my wrath skin-bags!”

The dryads can cause typical Vexation of Nature effects, in additions to using their direct powers.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic