The Vexation of Pranin (Davrosian Circle’s Anger)

Steel Realms

The druids of the Davrosian Circle of Pranin can be dark and filled with anger; Their moods or composure can seemingly be random from day to day. The exact impact on the interaction with the druids is difficult to assess. It depends on the approach, attitude, presentation and words used. In some cases, it may be better to have them at their most militant when asking for a boon, if that boon benefits them somehow. The mood will have bearing on the desired outcome and how that outcome is presented/manifested. Sometimes it even affects the guardians and defenses of the moorswood as well (such as the Dryads of the Pranin Moorswood).

Assessing the Anger: Each day at sunrise, there is a small storm that gathers above the moorswood. In that storm can be seen, if the viewer knows what to look for, the mood of the druids that day. It requires strong magics that allow some communion with the great divine principal.

  • unfettered/wild: fresh scars, without clothes, fresh wounds and feeding, loud, united in anger
  • restrained/cautious: clothed, unkempt, divided, whispering, fearful but the kind that makes them guarded (not flight)
  • formal/direct: normal, organized, clear-headed, working together
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic