Lady Trouble was the second blade of the twelve made. It was said to have added to its quench fires the tears of an elvish weeping woman.
Detailed Overview: The rapier named Lady Trouble is one of the 12 blades that comprised the collection of Olivers 12 Tones and shares their common properties. Like the others, it was a crucial weapon developed for the early World Watcher agents of the Black Gorgons to serve the High King of Gladnor, used more for enhancing diplomatic and exploratory missions than actual fighting.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
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The blade was lost ages ago, since CY 5741, when Clinton Belweather, of the High Kings’ elite company of Black Gorgons out of Gladnor came seeking to settle a dispute with some of the remaining clansfolk of the Sea-Kings in the area (rumored to somehow me threatening another Salt Blight), and the early peoples seeking to settle after The Sundering (CY 5000) – taking over lands that the Sea Kings had mostly been forced to abandon.
Set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline.