It took Jereld Weyen years to achieve his position, and in retrospect his self effacing, sycophantic behavior served to throw suspicion off him effectively. For over a decade, Ados was plagued by strange events. At seemingly random times, hideous deformities would spring forth on the folk of the upper political echelons. No consistencies were ever found. The chaos features inflicted on victim were traced to him, and he was eventually brought to justice.
Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
It took Jereld Weyen years to achieve his position, and in retrospect his self effacing, sycophantic behavior served to throw suspicion off him effectively. For over a decade, Ados was plagued by strange events. At seemingly random times, hideous deformities would spring forth on the folk of the upper political echelons. No consistencies were ever found. The chaos features inflicted on victim were traced to him, and he was eventually brought to justice.
The rings inflicted Chaos Feature upon their victims.
Jereld Weyen was only discovered when his lust for a maiden caused him to confide in her and she betrayed him. Weyen venerated an entity he called Hizget. This voice told him where to find the rings and when to gift them to his victims. It is unknown how many total there were, but all total there were 11 victims and 2 rings upon Jereld’s person. Once caught, the supposed voice abandoned Jereld. Ultimately the jail was stormed by a mob and Jereld was ripped into pieces by the relatives and friends of the victims.
Item Purpose:
Common Requirements:
Common Properties: The rings elude all manner of detection and divination of their properties – only that they are magical in some way.
Upon placing the ring on their finger, the wearer is afflicted with a Chaos Feature.; there is no resistance.