Drugs, Toxins, and Alchemy (Concoctions) of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms

The following places DO NOT restrict the sale of Drugs, Toxins, and Alchemy (Concoctions) during time of war: Northern Merchant Cities and Southern Merchant Cities. Availability gets scarcer though. Local criminal enterprises are involved in currency, trade, items and services of all kinds, even local banking (money keeping/lending) and in some cases controlling crafters and their goods production.

D20 Concoction List

“Street Drugs”

Moop: (‘COKE’)
[i] > Advantage on Initiative + Overconfidence, +1 Charisma

Crash Down > Reduces maximum HP by 1 per HD; Disadvantage on Constitution checks

  • [LESSER] :
  • [GREATER] :

Shard: (‘METH’)
[i] > +2 Dexterity, + 5′ Movement, + Light Sleeper // Overconfident + Disadvantage on Sanity checks

Crash Down > Reduces maximum HP by 1 per HD per consecutive peak; Disadvantage on social actions and Constitution checks, 1 point of Fatigue Damage per 8 hours until.

  • [LESSER] Crank: 2 hours peak/8 hours crash + 4 per consecutive peak
  • [GREATER] Glass: 12 hours peak/4 hours crash + 4 per consecutive peak

Granite: (‘PCP’)
[i] > + 1 HD, +1 Strength, +1 Constitution // Hostility/Aggression + full blown Overconfidence + Disadvantage on Sanity checks

Crash Down > Reduces maximum HP by 1 per HD; Disadvantage on Constitution checks

  • [LESSER] :
  • [GREATER] :

Snake: Induces euphoria and makes the imbiber feel like they are slithering when they move. Their lips part and tip of their tongue sticks out.
[i] > -5′ Movement, -1 on all actions + 2 points of Damage Absorption for non lethal/fatigue damage

Crash Down > -5′ Movement; Disadvantage on Dexterity checks

  • [LESSER] :
  • [GREATER] :

Refer: (‘WEED’; a joint)
[i] > +2 saves vs. Fear/Persuade, removes 1 point of fatigue damage, Disadvantage on Initiative and Insight checks, Positivism: +1 on all checks; Counters other compulsive behavior ( Advantage to resist checks)

Crash Down > Loss of Positivism bonus; Demotivates = 1 measure of Exhaustion

  • [SUB-PAR] Shermer: DC 10 Sanity check or -5′ less Movement during peak; 2 hour peak 4 hour crash down
  • [LESSER] :
  • [GREATER] :

Incarna X Concoction List

Black Liete: This is a common drug used in slaves, haulers and shock troops. It lasts about 1 hour per dose, 1 round onset. Repeated use causes prolonged Disadvantage on Sanity checks and automatic failure of Sanity checks with no bonus to Strength.

*> -1 hit, +2 damage; DC 15 Con check or +1 Strength and Disadvantage on Sanity checks

$> 10% Cost Portion average

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic