The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the “Affray of Darkness and Light” in which it plays a significant part.
Even Living Helca has to abide by certain provisions of Godspeak Accord – the affray may be won by the Unholy Trio, but then things may start anew. Part of the promise of the Church of Darkness is that they lead their followers to the stars and beyond, conquering all before them – Leaving Helca; Any victory would be only a footnote in the history of the planet, allowing it to recover and evolve in new directions.
The Nachem Well of Helca on the Na’chraen Plateau, is original point of communion between Awakened Helca and the Nakrehan Faelan that developed.
The properties of the massive deposits of Equitas crystals and the planets Awakening Mind (it is still hundreds of years from complete) allowed it to foul guidance systems and even cloud judgements and perception from light years away. The raising of the Highland Star Port on Helca was almost something that almost never happened. It took luck, a convergence of circumstances, and a measured response by the Ur-Ducateon to allow events to lead to it, and even then the lifespan of the starport would be comparatively short in terms of its significance to either the Ducateon or the Imperium in general. Once a link was established, and others off planet traveled to it to explore, it was believed to be some refuge built by the Firsts. Few are able to understand how or why the planet itself has a “mind” and an ego of sorts. The Celestials and druids of Helca are aware of its awakened state – but not how or why it became that way. The presence of the Equitas crystals was perceived, just not how massive of a deposit it is – one of the biggest in the galaxy. Regardless, mining of the crystals must be done using locals and local technology. Each guild had a town that competes with the other – using local technology only. The Gormliht found-world compact of the Guildspeak Accord is in play – limiting the technology and exposure/exploitation allowed.
The Awakened Mind of Helca leveraged the deaths of the Celestials in their wars to quickly enhance The Deeping and channeling its influence into the heliosphere and beyond to keep travelers away and isolating and corrupting the operations that were underway. It took only a couple decades before every inhabitant that had left was unable to return. The fog of memory soon obscured the entire past and location of the planet… for reasons still unknown.
The ‘Shield’ is a special energy field around Helca that prevent any being from physically leaving. All principal entities cannot escape – even by summoning. Only the ancient celestials seem capable, but do not do so – they seem bound by The Plan (as long as one remains true to it, none can). There is a sense of destiny here, and there is an awareness that this place is a microcosm of a larger struggle.
(Spiritus of Helca) It appears as a shimmering green woman, with blurred features. Its manifestation cannot be harmed in any way on Helca itself. Its voice is soothing and “breath” is warm – it sounds like a woman’s voice overlaid with a windchime of crystals.