Nakrian characters of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms

Approximately 1.75m – 2.3m tall, human
@RP Impact:



Nakria is ruled as a Empire when forces from without put pressure on it. Like anywhere else, geographical locations have different societies and cultural specifics, but the tribes can be summed up as 2 distinct paths for Nakrian Characters: Those who have succumbed to giving up the path, and Those who practice the nearly forgotten old ways and are trying to achieve a “Higher Order”.

Common Names: [MALE] Mobli, Arawhy, Par-Utu (“beast-child” – often a male child’s name until their Name-Day), Cingutu, Griplo, Dewaesh, [FEMALE] Par-Bawat (“beast-child” – often a female child’s name until their Name-Day), Mileyfi, Uflaeta

Nakrian Totem Warrior

The peoples have the standard totems available to them, plus an additional one.

Lion Totem Spirit:

Lion Aspect:




Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic