History and Records of Ilyria

Steel Realms

The history of Ilyria is mostly recorded in references outside the north. Most of its records lay sealed away in family and baronial castles, covered by the wind and snow the Lich Lords covered the north in.

Chronicle of Ilyria

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

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Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

Legend of King Slayer – King of Iryia

Known for his ruthlessness in battle against the Winter Host, it was said he had slain a “king” of the new Lich Lords, or one who they had designated as a king to be. After the north fell, he successfully carved out the new “kingdom of Ilyria” and protected his people, using the forts he built or re-conquered.

He sometimes used his own populace as bait, horrifying them – especially as the savageness against him increased in ferocity the more he thwarted the lich lords. Most of the time he was successful in defeating his opponents, but the few times he failed, his people paid the price – and the new dead were sent back to kill their family.

He had a famous magical axe, etched and emblazoned with eagles on each side. It is said he also wielded the Flame of Merkaine, and was able to defeat the undead with it.

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Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic