Protectorate Charter: The character was not “official” until about CY 8700. Prior to that, it while it was an established Protectorate for the Halfling, there was a lot of disputes between The Druids of Pranin, the Crestwold Barony of Dunstrand, Umbak, hunting in The Saelish of Dunstrand and even fishing rights with the inhabitants of the Tarmysian Peninsula. Its only been the last few hundred years that the halflings have come to be known as tolerable. Prior to this, they had a militant disposition, and were intractable foes of the Umbakians, not having any qualms about killing any who entered disputed territories. Everyone still has horror stories of them from the time before the High King established multiple posts and chose to directly intervene.
Established “Seawatch Tower” and “East Tree Tower” – the west and east (respectively) Overwatch Garrisons of the High King to administrate the protectorate.
Established the formal boundaries.
Established logging rights between Loamwold and the Druids of Pranin.
Established fishing rights.
Acknowledged the ‘Free Valley’, ‘Free Dale’, and ‘Free Vale’ boundaries of the 7 territories within it.
Created the 7 member ‘Caimphol Commission’ at East Tree Tower to resolve issues with its neighbors.
Live and Let Live Approach: The Halflings don’t seek to gain access to or harvest any more resources ten they need. They expect the same from their neighbors.
Isolated from Politics: Loamwold relinquishes any claim on involvement or direct representation in the politics of the surrounding Fiefs acknowledged by the High King > The Grand Duchy of Dunstrand and the Kingdom of Umbak. Nor may these fiefs make direct claims upon Loamwold. While the Druids of Pranin are not formally included in this, the Halflings expect them to recognize any decree or ruling by the commission.
The Abundancy Clauses: These establish how the notorious abundancy of the halflings can be used without impacting the economy of the lands around it.
The Refuge Clauses: Loamwold is free of the laws and judgement of the lands around it. Previously, many criminals sought refuge. Some few still do, and while the folk of Loamwold ultimately decide, there are crimes and circumstances in which the High King claims jurisdiction over.
The Defense Clauses: Although the protectorate requires the High King to provide military protection, the folk are allowed a certain military force, and circumstances where they can defend themselves or even strike in retribution to incursions by their neighbors.
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Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.
After decades of unrelenting, though mild, pressure by Umbak into pushing up the sea coast and forest edge territory borders, the halfling Haelf Singers enlist their Root Singers to strike back. The ancient Skraeling powers animate the Wold Roots, sending them out to crack stone, tear earth, break rivers and streams, drive animals and insects, and stir swarms.
Warning Obscure/Hidden Knowledge is not generally available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden. DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT unless a character has the capability to gain such knowledge [through association, organization, or relation] if they do not possess it themselves or the reader intends to participate in scenarios using this material as a PLAYER! GM Narration will typically provide relevant information by check or story.