Orrish in the Steel Realms (Darkspawn)

Steel Realms

The Orrish of Helca are not typical of the other Orrish of the iVerse. They are degenerate and filthy, descendants of those the Church of darkness (Unholy Trio) persuaded to serve them in pursuit of the Blood of Saemon and originally settled in Orrishai. Now they are protected against the Sun-Bane by the Curtain of Night in the Dark Lands that are also known as ‘The Fallen East’. Here they have taken over the ruins of cities and settlements, but still dwell mostly in Cave Complexes of the Dark Lands. They are mostly without hair, and instead have been changed by the Dark Lands to have extra layers of dying skin for warmth and protection. They range from 1m/1.5 (Goblins, Gremlins, Piglem, and Off-Spawn) to 2.5m (Orks and Half-Ogres) to 4m Ogres.

Often times, the term “Orrish” is used to refer to the larger population of Dark-Dwellers.

The Dark Foe The Orrish are the united races of goblin, ork, half-ork, ogre (half-giant), darkling, and off-spawn used by the Unholy Trio in the “Affray of Darkness and Light“.

Many Orrish are multilingual, speaking both Orrisha and Nurthish. Nurthish allows them to communicate within their own ranks and their allies in a language not commonly understood or taught outside The Dark Lands and Nurth communities in the Underlands.

Individual circumstances around Social Dealings will override any absolute predisposition.

Point of View (POV)

Defining Experience: The dominant, pervasive culture of the race/species that evinces it’s common physiologically and sociologically developed features. As they develop, the cultural norms are ingrained and stay with characters in absence of consciously ridding themselves of them (and their benefits).


@RP Impact:

Cultural Stigma: Strong in ; Weak everywhere else; Their Stigma Offset(s) are >


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Rejection by default.


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Neutral by default.


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Acceptance by default.

They are known for their penchant to eat anything, to fight violently and viciously without mercy and never surrender. They are cruel and raid for anything they want, raping and torturing for pleasure. There is a Bounty on the Orrish for any to claim; Additionally, all Orrish are under the curse of the Sun-Bane, and the invention of new travel tactics and items such as the Orrish Bog Bag are used to counter this.
@RP Impact: Killed on sight outside the Darklands. PCs of this species typically (or at least eventually) fall outside the normal Point of View of typical species members, and the Species Lore. As such, generally, they cannot be the target of Studied Adversary.

United Against the Light: Though the Church of Darkness/Unholy Trio is not a unified pantheon, all of the Orrish of Helca and their followers and agents under their sway are wholly enjoined in the Divine Quest of the Quest of Black Tears.

The Character reference is the defacto starting point for characters and races of the Steel Realms. The Ork (Orrish) of the Steel Realms correlate to the Orc of DnD. The Orrish constitute a single race with three distinct phenotypes and some mixed blood sub species. These Phenotypes are generally referred to by the common names of Ork, Goblin, and Ogre. The most common of the Orrish is the Goblin, constituting roughly 70 percent of the Orrish population. Orks make up 35 percent of the Orrish population base and Ogres the final 5 percent. The Goblin and Ork societies have developed mechanisms to maintain their genetic profiles that may eventually force these two races to truly become individual species.

> Orrish all inherit Tribes like Plagues, Malicious Glee, Ranging Scavengers, and Orrish Crossbreeds

> In addition, each sub type inherits the DnD traits defined in the Monster Manual.


Dark-Worshipers: In addition to the the few who still venerate their ancient patron racial deities, the Orrish all follow the Unholy Trio. The lords of darkness have promised their “children” a special place in the world once the forces of light have been vanquished. the Church of Darkness is the most powerful divine presence among the Orrish.

Love of the Kill: Orrish in the Steel Realms kill not just for food and conquest, but for sport. They raid not to capture or feed, but target prey when not necessary. they often toy with their prey, to entertain themselves. The Notable Orrishish Weaponry of the Steel Realms reflect their intent to inflict maximum suffering.

Orrish Ur-Darsh and Tribes

The Darklands are arranged in a loose confederacy, all under the Unholy Trio – the gods of darkness. These are “nation-states” called Ur-Darsh. These are lead by the priesthood of the gods of darkness. Each has a priest-king and attendant administrators which oversee breeding programs, food supplies, and all the non-war efforts that the Church of Darkness operates. Just under the priest-king is a war-leader with elite war-overseers which serve to organize large war efforts that coordinate a tribe or multiple tribes. Spread and mixed throughout the Darklands are the Orrish tribes – mostly Ork and Goblin.


Goblin with a mace

Goblin with a mace

Common Tactics

Shrieking Horde: A large number of Orrish attack en-masse, attempting to terrify and overwhelm their targets.

  • Blood-Crazed: Howling, screeching, gnashing, blood-letting, drooling, frothing, screaming, spitting, sweating, and even shitting as the horde surges forward. All participating suffer 1 damage before combat starts.
  • Interrupted Thoughts: Sanity check or those attacked have Disadvantage on Initiative. Those with less than a specific Sanity threshold automatically fail.
  • Overbearing: A group of the horde can attack to overbear a single target. Three will grapple while other pummel.

Dark Healing: The waters from the clouds of the Curtain of Night have made the Barulian Rejuvenation the potent healing elixir it is for the Orrish of Helca. This is the most common form of healing given to Orrish warriors.


The Sun-Bane

for their role in siding with the Unholy Trio, the all Orrish have been cursed by the Lords of Light, and are under the effect of the Sun Bane. This applies the Trait: Bane-Sun.

Incarna d20™ Orrish in the Steel Realms Details

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

Weapon Poison: DC 12 Constitution saving throw or Minorly Infected (uses the typical removal methods).

Shrieking Horde: DC 10 Sanity check/Sanity threshold of 10. To overbear it requires 4:1 ratio and of the four, 2 successes will cause the Restrained and Grappled conditions while the remaining attempts to kill (the target loses all Dexterity bonuses and cannot Disengage).

iCore Orrish in the Steel Realms Details

Dark-Spawn Loot/Goods: The selling of Orrish made goods/loot outside the Dark Lands has serious issues, and often the best value is 10% of normal.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic