Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
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The Grollen of the realms a fierce, prideful peoples. They are descendants of ancient Gnolls but consider themselves a separate race. At one time they ranged across the entire realms, but their numbers are diminishing due to competition. Grollen warriors are some of the few who can stand toe-to-toe against the fearsome Ork. They are desired for their fighting prowess by the other races though little else. Wherever they go, a party, mad sounds, dancing, violence, and broken crockery is sure to follow…
Shrouded History: They were not as they once were. Grollen were once the mortal enemies of… all. Their origins are shrouded in mystery, but it is known that they once fought for the gods of evil and darkness and were as great a foe as the Orrish. But the Grollen walked from the dark and into the light. Their very countenance has changed from the ancient depictions of them.
The Grollen correlate to the Gnoll of DnD.
Broken Origins: Grollen were not always as they are now. It is hinted that once they were servants of evil, in the far reaches of history. Before the great leader Ker-Grol arose, his peoples were vile, evil killers. Dealers of death feared by all. It is said they were once even favored by the gods of evil and great fiends. This is rumor and myth only… but for the Grollen, it is an accepted fact. They believe to have lifted themselves up from the fiendish beasts they once were and are fiercely proud of their race’s accomplishments. But the dark stain of chaos and violence is still their weakness, and without a dark patron behind them to bind them together in purpose, they have seen their numbers decrease as the lands get settled and they must compete.
Into the Light: Once servants of darkness and evil, they threw off the yolk of their masters – Ker-Grol The Fierce slew the Ork champion Brutar Bloodgut and a personal fight, and walked away with his head. He then beat Quall Tolmarein to death, the priest of Everdark who had flogged them into battle for decades, with Brutar’s dented, helmet encased head. After, he ate his heart out of his chest in front of his stunned acolytes. His people turned upon their dark masters in numbers that day and walked out of the darkness in the light of, and howling under, the full moon. They were rewarded with the patronage of the Moon Mistress Ezrilus – who protected them from the curse of the Sun Bane and it is said tempered their evil with her love.
Originally gnolls (pre-Grollen) were the chosen of Everdark in the world they left behind. They possessed a blood frenzy straight from the abyss. When they were forced to fight to near extinction in the Valley of Sighs at the Battle of Broken Fang, they sought a new path. Gradually, they would develop their own language, a new culture centered around the frenzy of the feast and not killing, and make new societies led by their devotion to their savior, Ezrilus the Moon Mistress.
Half breeds do happen, but they are the ugliest by all manner of reckoning. Aside from this the female musk is repellent to all other species though it drives male Grollen into sexual ecstasy.