The dreaded Minotaur was the result of the Bronzefolk’s cult of strength and veneration of Modak, the great numinous spirit of bulls. The creatures were fierce warriors, possessed of the bloodlust of the Grollen, the intelligence of a human, and the strength of a bull. There has been no record or sightings of a minotaur in thousands of years, and they are thought to be extinct. Some doubt they ever reall existed in the first place, and they are thought by many to be merely mythological constructs.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
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The dreaded Minotaur was the result of the Bronzefolk’s cult of strength and veneration of Modak, the great numinous spirit of bulls. The creatures were fierce warriors, possessed of the bloodlust of the Grollen, the intelligence of a human, and the strength of a bull. There has been no record or sightings of a minotaur in thousands of years, and they are thought to be extinct. Some doubt they ever reall existed in the first place, and they are thought by many to be merely mythological constructs.
Since their creation, which was based on already ancient Bronzefolk lore, they have been seen in places sacred to Modak. Most die in battle, and over the years their bloodlust gets them into confrontations that bring about their demise…. but none has ever been observed dying of age.
The Sea-Kings even attempted to summon forth similar creatures of fiendish lineage from the depths of the abyss, and breed them in their dreaded Birthing Cauls. Though not “natural” minotaurs, they were successful in summoning them but not in breeding, their fiendish origins causing them to mutate and become more savage, primal, and less intelligent.
Labyrinthian Confusion: The original minotaurs were brought forth from the consciousness of ancient Bronzefolk legends. They brought with them an effect which confused way finding in a radius around where they dwelt. Only the purposeful lumber and rush of the bull was excluded from its effects. It was said that the inhaling the breath of the minotaur could make the inhaler immune to its effects for a while. The strangeness this effect entailed was even said to spoil foodstuffs as even the natural processes of decay were confused.