Cyclopean Guardians (extinct)

Steel Realms

The Cyclopean Children were made by the the ancient Storm Lords to be their guards of “singular vision”. They are similar to the Colossi of Will and Brutishness, but have a single large eye that can see great distances like a bird of prey. They are undying, but cannot breed. When those that they are bound to are killed or die for any reason, they will wither over time – though persist in whatever orders they had upon their creator’s death. A thousand years or more will cause them to lose their bulk and desire to move, eventually becoming nothing more than a wrack of bones that cannot lift itself, and then will literally turn to dust in one second when the first ray of sun touches their carcass. None have been seen in a millennium.

Warriors at a Distance: In the places of the Storm Lords, distances are vast. The guardians were made to work at these great spans; At any range further than short, the cyclops gets Advantage vs. Disadvantage at melee range. Short range has no modifier.

Lightning Javelins: Each was known to wield, in addition to anything else, a metal javelin imbued with lightning from a massive storm. STATS: +9 to hit; 3d6/16 at range (10m-40m) from above w/eagle eyesight (no penalty). Each time they hit, the thrower would heal Lightning Health and they returned in blink of an eye in a flash and sizzle of lightning.

i20™ Cyclops Details

i20 [specific] Requirements:

Lightning Health = 8 Health

iCore iCore™ Cyclops Details

iCore [specific] Requirements:

Lightning Health = 15 Health

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic