Lady Moriella d’Wynther (of the South)

Steel Realms

The Lady Moriella d’Wynther is rumored to be an ageless scion of the nobility of the southern lands of the Border Kingdoms and Beryl. Many rumors abound around her. Her favor is curried by many an adventurer seeking to roam the fallen south, for she has knowledge that could make the difference between life and death. Her motives are inscrutable and she has no connection to any known sect or faith.

Origins of Agelessness: Cyrethumbuir – a demoness – is rumored to be her undying patron, the source of her agelessness. It is also said she was cursed by Sun Stealer to watch the killing of most of her family because she dared to oppose him when Synedcia the southern empire fell.

Chronicle of Moriella d’Wynther

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

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Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

The Lady Moriella d’Wynther is rumored to be an ageless scion of the nobility of the southern lands. Many rumors abound around her. Her favor is curried by many an adventurer seeking to roam the fallen south, for she has knowledge that could make the difference between life and death. Her motives are inscrutable and she has no connection to any known sect or faith.

Her manse is said to be a wonder of wealth and strange architecture and no one forgets it once they have been there.

Origins of Agelessness: Cyrethumbuir -a demoness – is rumored to be her undying patron, the source of her agelessness. It is also said she was cursed by Sun Stealer to watch the killing of most of her family because she dared to oppose him when Synedcia the southern empire fell.

Scarce Knowledge / Hard Difficulty

She or what is commonly thought of as her ‘patron’ is referred to in several of the volumes of Rastilion’s Diabolique. She is referred to as The Lady of Sweet Breath, and even directly by her human form – Moriella d’Wynther (of House Wynther of the Border Kingdoms – where she tried to usurp power) in some legends of the Steel Realms. Once a powerful Queen of her kind – the embodiment of fiendish desire and primal chaos, she was humbled.

The cursed Cyrethumbuir crawled from the depths of the southern blasted lands, laying waste to the lands and going to the sea. She was cast down and bound by Balthazaar after the empire of Synedcia fell to dust. But, the lord of law and light Balthazaar could only partially hold her in check – it is rumored she roams free from her bounds wreaking what havoc she can once in a generation.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

It is only hinted at her true state in some of Rastilion’s Diabolique tomes. Her power of seduction is said to be chained to the light of Balthazaar, so that all may perceive its property of deception. Some hints speak that she herself is vulnerable to such now – and that the foolhardy and powerful may seek her out, and seduce her for forbidden and dangerous knowledge. It is possible that someone in Nym’s Bazaar may be able to foretell where it will appear next.

The Screaming Lands are a place with the myriad dimensions of the darkness. The Demoness Cyrethumbuir (her real name) was ripped forth from the Outer Realms of her home when Sun Stealer summoned a host to try and take control of the world, beginning in the southern empire of Synedcia. This host was destroyed in the Great Sundering in CY 5000. She was a “queen”, having infiltrated the noble houses and her seductions led to several towns and cities having their gates open when the demonic horde came for them. Said to be a seductress without peer, made a servant by one god, and cast down by another. Sun Stealer refused to honor their bargain, and wove threads of deception in the temporary binding. He hoped to make her a thrall forever, but ironically the Bale Fire itself dissolved the elements on control but did not allow her to return to her own realm. In her rage, she crawled out of the abyssal trench and began to blast more lands, hoping to scour the borderlands to the sea in Waerl Bay.

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She is bound into a great hall of unending chaos and revelry. Over time, she discovered that she may gain her temporary freedom and dominion over others by drawing unsuspecting travelers to the place her hall manifests randomly. It must do so once each year to draw power from the sun to preserve the bindings. Much of the time it is under water, in remote places, but a few times it is near civilization and travelers or locals may be drawn to it. Once there, she attempts to gain essence from them – enough for her to break free and have a single day of freedom to wreak havoc in before her bindings cause her to withdraw and vanish again. Eternally she searches for a permanent solution to her chains.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic