Steel Realms Character Cultural Experiences

Steel Realms
Character Archetypes (Pathways, Classes, Calling, etc.) ; Cultural Experiences. Gender Roles in the Realms are part of a cultural experience.

A character taking a Cultural Experience will generally tithe back to their family’s, institutions, and communities.

Story: Deep Community Support

Requirements: The character must take a Cultural Experience; the tithe increases to 20%. This can only be done at Character Inception.

  1. Double total starting money
  2. Letter of marque: a full Cost Portion (200sc) worth of discount for purchasing armaments (usable by any in the group, once)
  3. Quality Outfit (Prestige +1)
  4. Imprinted on The Pattern: 2 re-checks on failed saves

Story: Venturing Together

Requirements: If the characters with a Cultural Experience has Shared Cultural Bond at the time of Character Inception, AND they create a Character Back Story TOGETHER that unites their group as they grew up, they pool their resources (personal, family and community) and will begin play with the following equipment paid for:

  1. Each character has any non-martial instrument, tools, or kit they have proficiency in; one of them in the group (they decide as a group) is high quality: +1
  2. A Pavilion tent, and pallet + bedding for each character
  3. A Cart w/water barrel, portable kitchen and 2 donkeys
  4. Decent food for two weeks for all characters
  5. An improved single (primary) weapon and munitions (i.e. if a sword, a long sword, not a short sword)
  6. Letter of marque: a full Cost Portion (200sc) worth of discount for purchasing armaments (usable by any in the group, once)
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Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic