Campaign Events of Ancient Futures

Eon of Ancient Futures Where Ancient Past and Distant Futures Collide.

Old gods, ancient powers, aliens, and humanity struggle for control of progress on cosmic proportions…

Campaign Events of Ancient Futures is the timeline and historical stage-setting of the Eon of Ancient Futures.

The Ancient World

Cornerstone Earth: Why is earth special? An utter lack of native Entrophy and Equitas – a world left to its inhabitants work alone.

An Ancient Fear

The Olde Ones believed that humanity would be the ones to lead the species of the universe to challenge them. They took the Celestials seeking ascend to heaven or the place of the gods as a sign that they should be feared and destroyed. An Olde One came from the depths of the universe and through his manifested herald took control of the path of ascended humans. The Olde Ones, or pieces of their consciousness, created a conspiracy to prevent other ascendants.

The Heavenly Throne

Dominion over the humans was claimed by a remnant of one of the FirstsThe Eyefona’ri. A herald was a manifested being from millions of light years away, to be its extension of power. It sat upon a throne in the ‘realm’ of heaven it built, a servile realm of adoration and worship to feed the ego he was imbued with as a herald of The Olde Ones. His identity he assumed was Yaweh – known cosmically as a greater Hardrache Entity. It took the place of one of the ascended human gods, and consolidated its power and influence through monotheism.

The Throned One sat upon his throne with his thousand eyes and envisioned a path of development for the solar system and humanity. It began a campaign to drive the Firsters (ascended humans) of the humans out. He crafted a legion to serve him, called the ‘arch-angels’. From the seed material of stars he gave them sentience. Among his two greatest favored were Lucifer and Mikael. Unknown to the Olde One’s herald was that a Greate One touched the stardust of Lucifer. Lucifer was male on the outside and female within.

Lucifer The Truth-Speaker: The morning light, the dawn star, many names were given unto the beautiful and strange Lucifer. He could only speak the truth, and encouraged many things using his voice of truth on plant, beast, and human to ensure the cosmic calamities that befell the ‘cornerstone’ earth would be overcome.

Revolt of the Angels

Lucifer gave eons, but eventually disagreed with the servile nature of humanity that the Throned One had planned. He revolted against the Throned One’s plan, inspired by the heights achieved by the ascended humans – especially the Divinities of Kemet. The Throned One was unable to kill him, but brought his reputation low, and forced him into servitude to shepherd the worst of the ‘souls’ beyond The House of the Dead – tarnishing the beauty and light of Lucifer with each given to his charge. And forcing into oblivion the teachings of the ascended humans. And so began the modern age of civilization and the rise of technology. Mostly, the Throned One had forgotten humans, and had moved their attention to elsewhere in the cosmos, content to let the humans continue on the path “allowed”. He removed his protection from the solar system, and let the techno-signature evidence of their existence be communicated to the cosmos.

The Lucifuge

But then, Lucifer plotted another rebellion. His own light of truth was his undoing, for the Throned One’s attention was drawn back momentarily from his wanderings when it burned so brightly. He was cast into the void, driven by the power of the ascended Metatron’s voice – left behind by the Throned One to oversee his creation. The hierarchy of hell was given unto Lucifuge, and Lucifer was conflated with him and so was consumed the light of Lucifer. And so Cornerstone Earth mostly forgot the Throned One, and humanity progressed on other influences as the Olde Ones believed that it was Lucifer himself that was the fulcrum of their concern.

A Light Preserved

When cast into void, Lucifer spoke and caused himself to forget who he was. This caused the word of the Throned One that carried him to the void to falter for it was no longer capable of focusing on his being. Its attention on him the target his name in its echo. And so cast forth onto a random world was he – as Delleb on a place called Oerth. The Throned One’s master intervened in the Calling of the Dark on that world – where the Unholy Trio were created and instead of leading their creators to victory, destroyed them and all others and the world itself. Unbeknownst to all, it was a petty act to finally kill Lucifer/Delleb. He once again forgot his true name, and avoided destruction. Cast through space and time, he walked as Odin in one realm, before being driven out again by the Throned One. Surviving that, he reappeared the people he helped to save, changing his name to Delleth the Wanderer of Helca and his presence awakened Helca to its next phase of awareness. From here, he has attempted to influence the remaining Celestines that fled to Helca and to achieve their plan of ascending humanity. He supplied the power for Apis the Herald to return to ‘Cornerstone’ Earth, though refused to reveal his Essence openly.

A Path of Quiet Progress: Lucifer will no longer rebel. He realizes that in rebellion, all that will be accomplished is that Lucifer (if he were to lead) will ascend to Heaven and the ‘God’ into hell and become Satan (as Lucifer was known derogatorily) in defeat. A revolution on that scale will only serve to create a bigger tyranny than the one that came before it. The only way for humanity to overcome a cosmos set against them is to conquer the baser instincts, and follow the Path of Ascension. To this end, he fosters the Firsters of earth, specifically the Celestine (ancient Egyptian ‘gods’/Divinities of Kemet) plan to bring enlightenment and ascendance to the humans of Helca. In order to accomplish this, he needed to deal with his ancient brethren who followed him in anger, vowing his destruction to serve the Throned One. Delleth could not kill him and release his consciousness – fortunately he was able to keep him contained within the tale and burial of The Once-King.

Heralds of Past and Future

2012: The heralds of the “Firsters” return the first time – The ‘gods’ (ascended humans) of old… Egyptian, Sumerian, German and Celtic, Aztec and Mayan, First Nation, Hindu, Chinese, Japanese, Slavic, Judiac traditions, and powerful beings under the names of Persian, Zoroaster, and other variants and cults manifest upon the earth. From the heart of the sun they fly, to alight upon various points on earth.

Believing they are hostile aliens, they are attacked, and seemingly invulnerable. They vanish in frustration, and walk among humanity to work in secret.

2019: Awareness – The most popular cult is the Norse tradition. The World Tree becomes the most commonly understood symbol of the cosmic energies involved and the return of the First Generation of cosmic beings from earth. A Long hidden pre-history timeline is revealed. The first version of “The Simple Cycle of the Gods” is created by Sonia Kedjii.

2020: The Deathbird – A herald of the Wurster Civilization (a label only – the cults of the Firsters give this label as they know nothing of their true origins), arrives to destroy the source of the techno-signature of humanity. It is detected as an incoming extra-solar system comet of massive proportions.

The “Firsters” band together, and with the most technologically advanced elements of humanity do battle with the Deathbird – to preserve their planet, species, and the dreams of millions of possible species. The comet is seen to break into pieces as it gets closer to the sun. A small piece crashes upon the earth, though most of the water boils in the atmosphere.

2026: The Diaspora – After defeating the Deathbird, the Firsters begin to battle amongst themselves. Before all-out war takes place, they once again abandon their home world – this time taking millions of their “children” with them. The Techno Surge is the result of the rise of the treasonous Cult of the Deathbird.

2027: The Quiet Age – Humans forget the return of the Firsters… though a select few remember, those that represent the heads of their orders which serve the Firsters until they return. The cult of the Deathbird also rises – to try and resurrect it and complete the work it begun; inevitable given humanities dark and mortal nature.

Campaign Events for Dark Frontiers – The backdrop/setup of Dark Frontiers!

The Second Return of the Firsters…