Posted on February 5, 2025
An institution of authority is a sect, group, or organization that represents a collected effort around a classes capabilities. All characters that join one get a talisman representing the character’s bond to it. They gain a clarity of vision that comes from their focus upon the talisman, and it improves on some function of their class as long as they possess it. PCs are assumed to have a generally good/lawful ideology, and these institutions reflect this mainly.
Requirements: A character can have only 1 institutional association. The character must commit to giving (tithe) 10% of all treasure value the character gets (this requires a ‘division of spoils’ to be calculated for loot, even if it is going into a party fund). The character must Attune to their talisman.
Leaving: The character may leave and join another but loses 1 Charisma permanently.
(Magic user + Elf)
Solars Guild
} detect magic double range; scroll of detect magic + can write a detect magic scroll for 50sc (req this auth to use); can use magic staffs as proficient weapons or cast read languages 1/day
can buy faerie dust from any Arcanum shoppe @1/2 cost > @movement phase; bedazzles attackers Disadvantage for 1 round and allows spell casting in melee
Halas Blaze School
} scroll of shield, occult fire: a magical attack that cannot hit allies if hurled into combat at range or melee and does d4 fire damage up to 60’ that can be done a number of times equal to int mod per rest; the character may pick a favored for for their occult fire (+1 attack)
Intelligence Authorities (Thief + Halfling)
Salamander Guild
} thieves tools; secret training move quiet, hide in shadows +10%; swift strikes +1 init, poison coating: +1 damage 1 dose 10sc and starts with poison pommel for dagger or short sword (50sc value) – holds 6 doses up to 1 week before spoils – will not sell the secret to anyone not in auth
Sunbelt Merchants
} thieves tools; secret training f/rt and open locks +10%; Basic Combat Awareness: When firing into melee at short range, they will not hit allies, campsite security (d6 trap) and Disarming Affability (when attempting to discover rumors, they will uncover 1 more)
Religious Authorities (Cleric)
The Wyldes
} scroll of protection vs evil ; secret teachings: feat of heroes – purify food/drink = +1 healing rest
The Lightbringers; +1 plants and nature lore
} scroll of cure light wounds; secret teachings lights ward light spell reduces damage by 1 on target (no stack) +1 gods, etc lore
Martial Authorities (Fighters + Elf + Dwarf)
Mizran Brotherhood
} combat awareness: allies firing into combat misses wont hit character, favored foe +1 attack
Merchant City Mercenary Guild
} fire into combat miss not hit ally, shield guard: a character next to the shield side can be protected by character – they may use a shield resilience for the guarded character
Posted on February 4, 2025
iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip
Baggage Train rules for the Quartermaster Player Role
A baggage train is a substitute for strict Encumbrance. Rather than track what each individual character is carrying, the baggage train capacity is the encumbrance capacity of all PCs, and Retainers (min. 2 hired only for this job) combined.
The normal encumbrance for coins is used. A weapon counts as 10 coins. Armor and shields count as 20 coins. Small items (gemstones, etc.) do not count towards encumbrance.
This baggage train costs 50sc and moves at a rate of the PCs slowest character. If the PCs flee or die, it is lost.
The baggage train itself will have an adventuring kit, a vial of Holy Water, and extra club, spear, and shield for shared use that does not count against any baggage train capacity.
The PC group cannot perform stealthy activities within 90’ of the baggage train.
Posted on February 4, 2025
Armor Suits are Defensive Measures that are worn. An appropriately sized and fitted set of Armor will have the same relative impact on Encumbrance, regardless of size. In many settings, there any many individual Notable suits of armor with long histories.
Shoppes represents businesses and services with well stocked and extensive materials related to their purpose.
This shoppe sells healing potions and improves recovery after adventuring.
This shoppe sells magic-user scrolls and identifies magic items. Other magic items for sale will vary.
This shoppe sells all normal weapons and armor. It can identify magic armor and weapons at a higher cost than an Arcanum.
Basement Armory: This is a limited selection for less populous areas. The only armor available are Plank Shields (+1 ac only, no resilience) & Padded Armor (leather armor equivalent, no resilience); The only weapons available are spear, dagger, club, staff, sling, hand axe.
This shoppe sells holy symbols, holy water, and healing scrolls for clerics.
This shoppe sells information, charts, maps, detect magic scrolls and can identity magic items at a higher cost than an Arcanum.
Posted on February 4, 2025
Armor Suits are Defensive Measures that are worn. An appropriately sized and fitted set of Armor will have the same relative impact on Encumbrance, regardless of size. In many settings, there any many individual Notable suits of armor with long histories.
All adventurers are not necessarily assumed to have come from a literate background, but have picked up a body of knowledge through tales, study, and mentorships represented by 5 basic lores. These can be used to discover or hint at revealing information. Some classes are more well versed than others in a lore, represented by a bonus to their checks.
A “Lore Check” is a d26 check.
Gods, Fiends, Heroes, and Myths:
Magical/Legendary Items:
Beasts and Monsters:
Plants and Nature:
World History:
Posted on February 4, 2025
iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip
The Conclave of Heroes is an oath sworn to the gods and all that is sacred and right to support and aid all members of the conclave until death.
Requirements: Each character gets 1 less hp to start. This must be decided before any character begins adventuring.
Advantages: Magical non-potion healing affects a second character in the conclave if within 10′ when performed by a member. Retainers of a Conclave of Heroes gain a +1 morale bonus to not flee.
Disadvantages: NPC/Enemy Clerics can sense this and will prioritize members for their followers to attack.