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Category: Mystic

Natural Athlete

Posted on January 2, 2025 in Feature Mystic

FREE ACTION: A Natural Athlete can use their Free Action to make a Perception check to spot any difficulties in performing physical athletic activities, instead of requiring a full action. This allows them to see if a rock is loose, a landing spot unsafe, or a rotten branch ready to give way. They can move and do this at the same time as long as they have no impediments to their senses.

i20™ Natural Athlete Details

Natural athlete is just advantage on all mobility checks

iCore iCore™ Natural Athlete Details

High Mystic Art

Posted on December 10, 2024 in Mystic

High Mystic Art: The High Art of Mystic Practice require a greater measure of aptitude to Manifest Mystic Powers. Using the High Art form of mystic powers requires no material intervention as the Low Art requires.

Low Mystic Art

Posted on December 10, 2024 in Mystic

Low Mystic Art: The Low Art of Mystic Practice require none or a low measure of aptitude to Manifest Mystic Powers. Using the Low Art form of mystic powers requires BOTH Mystic Envisioning and Presence Agents, whereas the High Art does not. It is assumed all practitioners Manifest Mystic Powers using the Low Mystic Art approach.

Mystic Envisioning (Mental Components): A component to the practice of mystic arts that are a series of arcane symbols, images, and high dimensional concepts. These are combined in a mental envisioning process that helps garner, channel, and manipulate the effects of Rituals, Formulae and/or their triggers. Both Low and High forms of mystic practitioners rely on this common methods. High measures of aptitude have progressively more complex envisioning.

Presence Agents (Physical Components)

Presence Agents are components that are manifested physically at the time a Formulae is used that act as catalysts. All of them serve to amplify the Mystic Envisioning. They have a physical manifestation, and are therefor detectable; Easily for those who know what to look for, and often times so obvious that those without any Phenomenology Lores still recognize them from popular or pervasive cultural references. Each Formulae has a specific configuration of these agents. Some Rituals contain mechanisms that amplify the Presence Agents power and substitute for the Mystic Envisioning, allowing them to be enacted by those without any formal training.


These are actual materials – components for individual Formulae. Rather than carry around all manner of materials, a Focal Point Item in some form is made as a proxy for pervasive, common materials.


These are movements – full body, gestures, both obvious and subtle.


These are sounds, vocalization, words and phrases.


Mystic Forms

Posted on September 24, 2024 in Mystic



Posted on April 22, 2024 in Mystic

Feeb is a expression of Sparks creating a detrimental thread in the weave of The Pattern. When the use of a power is “flubbed” or “goofed” – be it through interruption, a fumble on a check, or any related ability or circumstance check, a manifestation of “Flubbing” takes place. Although individual circumstances or GM’s may dictate their own harsher result, the fundamental nature of the pattern calls for the victim of the flub to be subjected to a rather farcical set of possible fortunes. This general set of events is often referred to as “Feebles Foil” (though it goes by many other names and descriptions).

Feeble’s Foil: For three rounds, some effect is imposed upon a an area equal to 1m x the Size of the invoker. The effects and their physical manifestations are real for the duration, but vanish after the time limit. Those outside the area will stand stunned in amazement for the first round.

Flub Results
Check Label Results
1 Failure The sound of laughter is heard, mixed in with some hisses and boos.
2 Fizzle A loud pop, followed by a strained snap and electrical crackle and smoke comes from the invoker’s ears with a whistle sound accompanying it the remaining rounds.
3 Fuzzle Some other non-harmful fromulae effect manifests as obvious illusion or the target is switched and effectiveness is reduced by half while the sound like a huge balloon is having its air let out continues for the remaining rounds.
4 Fiasco Angry brown clouds gather over the area and the room is filled with the stench of feces. Rain smelling of sweat falls with thunderous wet fart sounding thunder claps and flashes of burning green swamp gas.
5 Facsimile The effect is applied to all targets in the area – but it is obviously an illusory manifestation, nothing happens but a surge of adrenaline (possible fatigue?). It happens again and again like a film replaying for the remaining rounds.
6 Fidget Everyone in the area breaks out in a rash; first round totally immobilized with itching, then SAN check each round or scratch wildly for the remaining rounds.
7 Fracas The area is filled with the sounds of animals enraged, children screaming, breaking dishes, claws on blackboard, and elevator music.
8 Freezing The area goes cold, everything is forsted making items hard to hold. Treat all affected as if they had natural armor of 1 and anything which must use voice requires a language check or they chatter it.
9 Festival The entire area is filled with party music, streamers, pulsing lights, horns, reflected light as if a disco ball is overhead. All affected feel the friendly slaps on their backs and everyone takes a round to shake hands and introduce themselves. All within the area perceive everyone else as if they are wearing casual “party” clothes.
10 Footloose Everyone in the area starts dancing; after the first round those affected get a SAN check each round thereafter.
