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Category: Gohrmliht-Imperium

Chattel Health Treatment

Posted on November 3, 2022 in Gohrmliht-Imperium Trait

Feature Impact > Positive (Cost: 1 Essence and -2 CP as a Trait)
Capability Req:
by Physiology/Species (specific example)
Attribute: -1 Vigor/ Constitution

Summary: The subject is given an in injection of nanites and minor gene-therapy that boosts and augments their internal systems to improve healing and resistance to toxins.


The subject is given an in injection of nanites and minor gene-therapy that boosts and augments their internal systems to improve healing and resistance to toxins. Their processes are altered through an accelerated metabolism that speeds the uptake of the therapies and nanite reconfiguration while inside a med-tank. The heat generated is used to rid the characters of viruses and they shed and grow an entire endocrine layer during the process. It forever alters the smell of the character as well – nearly removing any strong scent from pheromones/sweat, blood, or urine. The target is also sterilized if the cost is covered by a sponsor for a citizen of the empire to work in the rim worlds or hard environments – this can be reversed.

Time to Acquire: 1 week.

Cost to Acquire: 2000cr

Character Opportunities:

Story Hook ++

This presents a good opportunity for adding Character Story elements to the Character.

i20™ Chattel Health Treatment Details

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

Advantage on saves against Disease and Poison, Accelerated Healing 1 for 2 years, +1 hp/HD average on current and future HD; The target gains a 7th level of exhaustion (6th is unconscious, 7th is death).

iCore™ Chattel Health Treatment Details

Attribute 1: None | Attribute 2: None